Chapter 15

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Suki was the first to wake up and found Aang snuggled up next to her with his head resting on her shoulder. She smiled at the sight of him sleeping peacefully. After what transpired last night, Suki decided to let him get plenty of rest. She stealthily placed his head on his pillow and got out of the bed. Before stepping out of his room, Suki took one last look at Aang sleeping. In her mind she saw his face in anguish as he vented his feelings out.

"Why am I like this Suki?"

"I wish I never fell in love with Katara!"

Suki wished Aang didn't have to go through this. He did nothing to deserve this kind of pain. All he did was fall in love. She silently closed the door after stepping out and headed to her room to get ready for the day. After brushing her teeth and showering Suki walked to the kitchen to where she found Toph coming in from the back door of the house. Toph normally was the last to wake up between the three of them so Suki was surprised to see her up already.

"You're up early" Suki commented, already getting started on boiling some tea. Toph took her seat at the kitchen table.

"I didn't really sleep much. I listened on your conversation with Aang last night and decided to pay that Mira girl a visit." Toph yawned.

Suki scoffed, "You couldn't have asked me if I wanted to go? I wanted to give that girl a piece of my mind!"

"Aang needed you more." Toph said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hmmm...true. So what did you do exactly?" Suki wondered.

"Let's just say I restructured her home...and her face." Toph grinned, wishing she could have seen the damage she had done to Mira's face.

"Gosh I wish I could have seen that!" Suki laughed. She finished boiling the tea and poured a cup for her and Toph. Suki placed the teas on the table and grabbed cookies for the two of them. As she sat down she noticed Toph's grin was replaced with a frown.

"So how is he?" Toph inquired. Suki sipped her tea before answering.

"Aang is okay for now I guess. He's still sleeping in his room."

Toph simply nodded and sipped her tea. She sighed, "Man...Sugar Queen really did a number on him."

"In her defense it isn't like she meant to hurt him."


"Aang won't give up on the blind dates. He told me he would keep doing it."

"That's good. I wouldn't have wanted all that work I did to set up those dates to be for nothing." Toph remarked as she leaned back on her chair.

"I just want him to find a girl that will make him happy. He deserves that much."

"Don't worry your pretty head Suki. I'm positive things will start to look up for Aang today, what could possibly go wrong?" Toph chuckled.


"Come on Sokka! We're going to be late for our monorail ride if you don't hurry up!" Katara scolded her brother. They had finally got off the cruise boat and headed over to the monorail station at the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. They had just received their tickets and headed off to the terminal.

"Cool your jets Katara. We still got time before our monorail leaves." Sokka replied, still walking at his normal pace.

"Well it's better to be safe than sorry." Katara retorted.

"Someone sure is eager to see Aang." He teased her. Katara blushed and said nothing. She didn't want to waste energy arguing even if Sokka was right.

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