Chapter 12

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Sorry If I kept you guys waiting too long. My time is very limited between college and working door dash almost every day so that I can provide money for my family. Covid isn't going away anytime soon and I gotta keep my priorities straight. Maybe when the semester is over I will be able to post more chapters sooner.

If you guys didn't hear, there is a massive protests by farmers in India because the government passed a bill that would favor corporations. Making the rich richer and poor poorer. As someone that is Punjabi and have had farmers in my family I can't stand seeing such injustice. I want to spread awareness so that is why I'm bring it up. I don't want to ask any of you guys for anything other than support for the farmers fighting for their livelihood.

After a few days of traveling, Aang and the girls finally made it to Ba Sing Se just as the sun was starting to set. The citizens looked up at the sky to see the sky bison roaming over the city and cheered at the Avatar's arrival. They did this every time Aang came back to the city and he still wasn't used to this much praise. It was likely that he never would. Appa landed in front of the Jasmine Dragon tea shop where Iroh stood outside to greet his new guests.

"Welcome back my young friends" Iroh greeted them. The teenagers climbed down from Appa's saddle and greeted him back.

"Hope you got some nice tea ready for us Iroh" Toph said as she hugged him. She had a soft spot for him. Suki and Aang respectfully bowed to him.

"I'll get some tea ready for you kids. For now why don't you all just bring your belongings into your rooms." Iroh insisted.

"How's the tea shop business going Iroh?" Suki asked.

"Oh its going wonderful. So many customers come by to try my tea so I'm kept very busy. Fortunately I will have new employees I've recently hired to help me serve the influx of customers I have" Iroh grinned.

"Thanks for hosting us Iroh. I hope we're not imposing on you" said Aang.

"I'm happy to give my friends a place to stay." Iroh replied as he placed his hand on Aang's shoulder, "I just hope you're good at playing Pai Sho"

"It's been a while since I played but I don't mind taking on the Dragon of the West in a match" Aang smirked.

"I look forward to it" Iroh chuckled.

Aang took took the saddle off Appa, he lead him to the stable to rest while Suki and Toph brought their stuff to their rooms. As Aang came back to the entrance of the tea shop, he heard a familiar squeaky voice call out to him.


He turned around to see a tan girl with twin pigtails wearing a pink and green kimono. The girl walked up closer to him and Aang instantly recognized her.

"Meng!" He smiled. He gave her a hug, surprising her but she was happy to return the hug.

"It's so good to see you Aang. I was wondering if I would ever see you again" Meng spoke as they broke off their hug. From what Aang could see, Meng had grown but was still shorter than him and still had the same cute smile he remembered.

"I'm glad to see you again. What brings you to Ba Sing Se?"

"Aunt Wu asked me to deliver some herbs to the owner of the Jasmine Dragon Tea shop. She insisted that I do it so that I can travel and see the world outside of my home village." Meng explained.

"Well you're at the right place. My friends and I just arrived and I could go for some tea right now. Want to have a drink with me?"


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