Chapter 19

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Sorry for taking too long with this chapter! I was still writing it this morning and proof read it but I had to go to my new job before I could post the new chapter. Technically it is still Monday so I'm not that late lol. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

The day of the celebration was upon them. Suki, Katara, and Toph had gone over to the dress shop that catered to nobles and guests of the royal family. It took them only a couple of hours to go through what the merchant offered them and tried on the dresses. They then went off to hit the spa, much to Toph's chagrin. While the girls were off together, Aang and Sokka took a ride on Appa to the Ba Sing Se zoo. Aang had mentioned how he led the zoo animals away from the city after they got out and began terrorizing the citizens of the city. Sokka decided that he would like to see the work Aang had done with the new zoo area, so they headed there while the girls spent the day together.

"Ugh, so glad to finally go home", Toph said as they got home.

"Hush Toph, you know you had a good time", Katara replied.

"Who knew you could be so sensitive with your feet", Suki remarked.

"I see with my feet honey. They might have as well been messing with my eyes."

"Doesn't mean you had to kick the poor masseuse to the wall. She was just doing her job", Katara scolded.

"She could have said something before grabbing my feet the way that she did", Toph said defensively.

"I'm just glad we have our clout with King Kuei to keep us from getting in trouble", Suki said as she opened the front door. As soon as the girls entered the house, they heard a groaning noise coming from the living room. They walked over there and found their friend, Zuko, lying face first on the couch. His face was pressed down deep into the couch pillow. The girls dropped their bags on to the table. Katara being first to call out to him.

"Zuko...are you okay?"

"M'mmm fine", he replied with his voice muffled.

"I don't need seismic sense to know that's a lie", Toph commented as she sat down on the chair next to Zuko. Suki and Katara both knelt down in front of the couch, worried for their friend. Just then, Iroh walked into the living room with a plate of five tea cups.

"Welcome home girls. How was your day?"

"It was okay", Toph answered, "honey and sweetness took their time picking out dresses and I ended up kicking a masseuse at the spa."

"Is the masseuse okay?" Iroh wondered.

"She's fine", Katara turned away from Zuko to Iroh, "Luckily we didn't get in trouble for Toph's behavior."

"Whats wrong with Zuko?" Suki asked and stood up.

"He met Mai earlier and...well you can see how it turned out", Iroh answered as he set the tea cups on the table.

"Oh", Katara turned to Zuko again, "It didn't go well?" Zuko groaned, rather pathetically, in return.

"Does that answer your question sugar queen?", Toph chuckled. Finally, Zuko turned his head towards the others.

"I should have known she wouldn't take me back so easily..." Zuko said.

Suki took her cup of tea and sat down on the edge of the couch, "Tell us what happened."

Zuko nodded and pushed himself up into a sitting position. He grabbed his cup and spoke, "So I just arrived a few hours ago...."


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