Chapter 47: It Hurts

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"'re the only one....the only one to make me feel whole.....I feel 'human' around you......I feel more emotions then I could have ever felt.....I feel warm when around you Clay~" Paralysis spoke with a shaky voice as he tried not to break down, "you are my light, you're the light that guides me Clay, you are my angel"

Dream was taken a back by what Paralysis said, but he could move back, he was held in place by the experiment's grip. Dream felt like he where to be frozen like a statue put on display for many eyes to look at him, but he didn't want to get away as he only walked closer to Paralysis. Paralysis let go of Dream's arms letting them open and wrap around him in a tight hug, Paralysis moved his arms around Dream hugging him just as tight, but that didn't stop the memories from slashing at his heart.


Sharp stinging pains, when will they end, when will the pain just end, why won't it stop after every word that was begged for it to stop. The cries and screams of pain wouldn't go away, it drove him mad. The leaders of many ranging in colors such as Gold, Silver, Bronze, Blue, and Green came into view as they sneered and joked around as they touched the abomination jabbing another needle into its wrist.

"Look how pathetic this thing is, god the scientists are fools, I thought we hired the smart ones not the dumb ones, who let the dumb ones in charge of creating this monstrosity" Blue sneered as she looked at her fellow leaders with a crazed smile that slashed through her blue lipstick covered lips.

Gold grimaced at the thought of putting the lower scientists in charge, he wanted the higher up scientist to make a masterpiece but all he got was this abomination that could hardly listen to his commands, Gold crossed his arms as he looked at Bronze with squinted eyes. Gold didn't like Bronze's sudden silence.

"Bronze, Did you put the lesser class scientist in charge for making this abomination." Gold sneered at Bronze who flinched causing his braided ponytail to swatted to the other side as he'd turned his head to face Gold.

"No, why would I, I told the lesser scientists to say the fuck out of this things creations, one of them must of slipped in and fucked up this...god...what ever the fuck this thing is. It can hardly breathe." Bronze said baring his teeth nearly shouting at Gold for accusing him, but Bronze kept his cool even though he was ready to explode into a fit of anger.

"No, it's not having trouble breathing, that's just the injection kicking in" Green said, setting a syringe down as the creature twitched slightly until Green stabbed a knife into its gut to get it to lay flat, "never mind." Green bellowed keeping his knife in place.

"It's trying to fool you, trust me, that thing will try and get things it wants by manipulating you so don't let your guard down around it. Trust me again when I say this, but a scientist got their neck snapped for letting his guard down around this freak." Silver said before looking away, keeping his guard up when in range of this creature of eyes and mouth.

"Please.....Stop......It hurts." the creature whined moving a hand trying to touch the knife in its gut but another came slamming down sticking the creature hand to its body. The creature laid his head back down whining yet again as the leaders stood around the table.

"Never, what don't you understand freak~ this is your life tolerate the fucking pain." Blue hissed at the creature as she grabbed the creature's jaw making him look at her, Blue only laughed at the creature "Oh is somebody going to cry, crybaby....we want a soldier, not a freak of a crybaby." Blue teased before slamming the creatures head onto the table and walking away.

The abomination went quiet as the knife cut away from its flesh, the creature couldn't describe the pain as he heard his muscles tearing apart only to reconnect and heal very slowly, the pain would cause a pins and needles like feeling if a hand or foot had fallen asleep but it was going through one's entire body, but that could of been the injections.

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