Chapter 29

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Sofie P.O.V

I woke up with a terrible headache. Looking around, I found myself tied to a chair in some kind of warehouse. I'm still wearing my bracelet, so I hope Ace can track me. My hands are tied behind me with duct tape. How stupid are these people? Antonio taught me how to get out of duct tape when I was twelve.

Before I can, the door opens and my heart practically stops. Carter.

"How..." He chuckles at my confusion and gives a sinister smile.

"If it isn't little Sofia." He mocks. "Not so brave now, are you?" He says, making me want to punch him. But I decide to play weak.

"How are you here?" I ask in a cold tone.

"Oh, I'm guessing you mean how there's someone in your brothers' basement right now?" He laughs again.

"That was me... At first, but a very loyal friend of mine was actually a guard. His name was Marco and he very kindly switched my body with someone else's. Well, after two days that is, when my face wasn't exactly recognisable." I glare at him and silently curse the disloyal scumbag.

"Oh, and the adrenaline shot I received really helped." I scowl at him.

"What do you want? What are you going to gain from this?" I ask, earning a hard slap across my face. The slapping noise was heard throughout the warehouse. I clench my jaw.

"You speak when you're spoken to." He snarls.

"If you think that your voice is going to magically turn me into a submissive puppy then you're wrong." I spat, earning another slap.

"Listen to me, little girl. I'm in charge here. Not you. I would have gone after your sister, but I figured hurting you would hurt her more." I grit my teeth.

"Ah, she's awake." A middle-aged man with a polish accent says. I don't recognise him, but he seems to know me.

"Sofia, this is my father-in-law Aleksi. He too, has something against your sister."

"You remarried? You bastard! I bet you didn't even love my mother. I bet you just used her to get your net fix-" I'm cut off by another slap. This time by the new guy.

"She has quite a mouth, doesn't she?" He muses. Actually, that was the first time I've used that word. "I believe you know my daughter, Helen." Just like that, my world stops spinning.

"I see you're surprised. Let me fill you in. My daughter ran away from me and moved into the house next to yours. This is where you met. I am leader of the most powerful Polish mafia in America. My one enemy, is Vlad, leader of the Russian mafia. I believe you know him, yes?" I don't say anything, I simply glare at him.

"Well, when I finally got the opportunity to kill him, your sister took the bullet." He spits out the word like it tastes bitter. "That lost me two men and a possible kill. When I finally found Helen again, she had found someone. Someone she was supposedly in love with. I took the boy and threatened to kill him unless she married Carter here, who also had something against Emmalin." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"That was like fifteen years ago you psycho!" I exclaim.

"I warned you not to speak." Carter growls, taking long strides towards me.

He punches me over and over again, never in the same spot twice. At the end I doubt I was recognisable. I didn't fight back, I wanted to save my strength.

"I hated my mother." I say after a while. "But I'm glad she died before having to spend another second with you." He charged towards me, but I quickly tore off the duct tape and punched him square in the jaw. The other guy left a while ago, so it was only him.

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