Chapter 16

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Sofie P.O.V

"Remember, no dancing for another month." Dr Rodgers says, as I nod enthusiastically. I can't wait to get out of this place.

"Ready to go, love?" Ace asks placing me in a stupid wheelchair.

"Yup!" I smile. "I hate this place with a passion. No offence, doc." Dr Rodgers chuckles.

I've been here for nearly a month and the only good thing about it is that I can go see the babies and kids in the paediatric ward.

When we reach Ace's house, which we will be staying in again for some reason. it's not like I mind, but the incident happened at the mall, so why can't we go home?

"Come on, sweets." Ace comes to my side and picks me up bridal style.

"You know, I can walk with my crutches." I tell him. Ace simply smirks and nuzzles his face into my neck. I let out a giggle and Ace kisses me passionately.

"I love you, kitten." He says. I'm no sure if he could ever say that without me blushing.

"I love you, too." I say with a smile. We walk up to the front door and Ace opens it with me still in his arms.

"Welcome home!" I flinch at first and grip Ace tighter, but when I look up, I see my brothers, Ace's brothers, Emmy and Nick, and the two adorable rascals I call my nephew and niece.

There's a large banner, balloons and streamers everywhere.

"Welcome home Sof!" Emmy says, rushing up to me and giving me a hug.

"Welcome home baby sis." Luca kisses my forehead.

"Aunty Sofie?" Arabella asks.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I say, smiling down at her.

"Are your ouchies gone yet?" I look down at the cast on my leg. The doc was going to make it plain white, but I insisted it be pink. Yes, I'm a very mature person.

"Um, mostly, but you told me princesses are brave, right? So, I'm just gonna have to be brave." She nods her head vigorously.

"Hey, can I walk now?" I ask, turning to Ace. He grunts, before very reluctantly putting me down and handing me my blue sparkly crutches.

Everyone was mingling, while I sat down on the couch watching the news.

"New York's star dancer Sofia Folliero has been released from hospital after been shot in a random shooting at the mall last month..." Blah blah blah.

"Hey." Dan says, taking a seat next to me. He really hasn't been himself lately, and according to Ace, he blames himself for what happened to me.

"What's up. Did you see my cast? The stupid doctor wanted to make it plain white. I had to argue to get it pink." I figured playing it cool would help ease his nerves.

"Should have called me, I would've beaten him up if he didn't get you pink." He says, playing along.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before Dan decides to break it.

"I'm really sorry, sis." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "If I had seen them, I could have stopped them, or gotten us out of the-" I place a hand on his shoulder, halting is rant.

"Daniel, it wasn't your fault..." I contemplate telling I'm about seeing Carter. "Remember right before the shooting, when I was staring at something?" He nods his head slowly. "The person who was behind this... he knew me, and I'm glad he got me instead of the both of us." Dan's expression turns to one of confusion.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"I need to tell your brother first." He nods in understanding, then pulls me in for a hug.

Emmy takes a seat next to me after Dan leaves. "How long before you can dance again?"

"A month." I mumble quietly.

"Oof, you gonna make it?" I shrug in response and sigh, I just need a new hobby. Looking over, I see Antonio, Nick, and Ace talking together. They all laugh about something Nick said and I hear a clicking noise.

"They never smile for pictures, so you have to compromise." She says, smiling sweetly.

"Could you send that to me?" She nods and sends me the picture of the three of them. "Emmy?" I ask.

"Hmm?" I take a deep breath.

"I'm going to tell the three of them something important, okay?" She seems confused.

"What is it?" I usually tell Emmy everything, and she does the same.

"I can't tell you right now. It involves you, and I know you might not be able to handle it well. I'll let Nick tell you once I've told him."

"Sof, you're kind of scaring me here, but I trust you." This is why I love her.

Grabbing my crutches, I make my way over to them. Ace is the first to see me, and grabs my crutches, snaking his arm across my waist so I can use him as a support.

"You okay, kid?" Nick asks, noticing my fidgeting.

"Um..." I try to think of how to say it.

"What's wrong, Tesoro?" Antonio asks.

"I have something to tell the three of you." I mumble. "Can we go talk in your office?" Ace nods.

"Sure, I just need to grab the keys. Why don't you guys meet me upstairs?" He pecks my lips, before handing me over to Antonio, who scoops me up into his arms and carries me up bridal style.

"Okay sweets, what did you want to tell us?" Ace asks, pulling me into his lap.

"Um... okay, so you know how I was shot?" I ask.

"What? You were shot? Why was I not informed of this? Who was it?" I roll my eyes at Nick's sarcasm.

"Actually, my dear brother-in-law, that's what I wanted to speak about." I feel the atmosphere become serious.

"Right before it happened, I thought I saw someone. Dr Rodgers said I probably didn't imagine it, and I'm pretty sure I didn't, but I'm not completely sure..."

"No wait, when I spoke to Dan, he said you were looking at some older guy like he was a ghost." My eyes snap to Ace's when he speaks.

"He saw the man I was looking at?" Ace nods slowly.

"Yeah, he said he wasn't familiar though."

"If I were to show Dan a picture, would he be able to identify him?"

"I'm sure he could, but you still haven't told us who this person is." Antonio says, wanting me to get on with it.

"Guys, don't freak out, but that day at the mall, I saw Carter."

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