Chapter 11

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Ace P.O.V

"Kitten?" I call, walking into my house. She doesn't reply, so I head to her bedroom. I don't find her there either, so I look in the dance studio. Not there either. I begin panicking, and check all the other rooms. When there's still no sign of her, I take out my phone and open her bracelet's tracking app. The guys had my phone connected now that she's living here.

Following the red dot on my screen, I head into the backyard, and to the little forest area behind.

There, sitting against a tree and reading, is my Sofie. She has earphones in her ears and is sketching something. Smiling softly at the sight, I take a seat on he ground next to her.

"You scared me." I state, lying down with my head on her lap, while the leaves of the tree block the sun.

"I literally didn't move." She laughs, taking out her earphones. "How could I have scared you?" She runs her fingers through my hair soothingly.

"When I got home, you weren't there." I close my eyes, enjoying the moment.

"I miss dancing." She says after a while.

"We have a dance studio here, what's wrong with it?" I'm pretty sure she said it was better than Broadway.

"It's not that. I can't have the full effect without Trevor. Most of my routines need him." I think about this, before nodding my head.

"You should invite him here." I say. Trevor is one of my most trusted men, and he makes Sofie happy.

"Really?" Sofie asks, excitement seeping through her words.

"Sure, if it makes you happy." I say. she lets out a squeal, cups both my cheeks, and kisses my lips passionately. "Wow. If that's what I get, then I just might do it more often." She laughs before kissing me again. That damn laugh is going to be the end of me.


"We're going to go dance now!" Sofie calls, dragging Trevor to the studio.

"Okay, love." I say. Once they're gone, I get some work done. Well, that's a lie. I was watching her dance through the CCTV. The way she moves so gracefully is like something out of a book.

I hope we get these guys soon. She's been wanting to perform for a while.

Bradly P.O.V

"Bradly!" Sofie squeals, coming over to hug me.

"Hey sis." I say, hugging her back with a chuckle. I'm back for today so that my band can practice. Yes, I have a band, and I'm the drummer.

"What are you doing here?" Sofie is pretty short compared to my brothers and I, but she's a better fighter than any of us.

"I have practice in a couple of minutes." I tell her, holding up my drum sticks in my hand to show her.

"You're part of a band?" She asks, and I shrug. we started in high school and kind of stuck together. "How many members?"

"Well, it was five, but one of the members left, so four."

"That's awesome!" She says. Just then, the doorbell rings. "Well, I'll leave you to it then." She says.

"When did you start saying stuff like 'I'll leave you to it'?" I tease, walking to the front door.

"Since I was forbidden to leave this house and my best friend is Netflix." She replies. It's been three months, so I don't know why they're still keeping her.

I greet the other three guys: Jordan, Nate and Josh.

"Let's start with the original." I say, adjusting myself on the drum stool.

We play it a few times, but decide to take a break.

"It just isn't the same without the keyboard." Aidan says, and we all agree. Our old keyboardist left to move back to London, so it really just doesn't work without him.

"I agree." Sofie says, waltzing in. Literally.

"How long were you standing outside for?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Since I told you I'd leave you alone." She replies simply. All my friends stand there in shock. Well, this is a first for the campus bad boys.

"Isn't she the famous dancer?" Josh asks.

"Not really famous. But I am a dancer." Sofie chirps. "I just came in to be a perfect person and bring you boys snacks." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Pfft no. Did you really think I would?" I chuckle, remembering how Dan told me about his badass tutor in high school.

"Bro, you're dating a famous dancer?" Nate asks, making me choke on my water.

"No! Guys, this is Sofie, my sister." I explain.

"Is she Ace's girl?" Jordan asks, and I nod.

"I like to think I'm a woman, thank you very much." Sofie sasses.

"Yeah, right." He rolls his eyes. Does he have a death wish?

"So, Brad, can I take what's-his-face to the mat?" I raise an eyebrow, looking between her and Jordan. "If you let me, I'll be a substitute keyboardist for today." She has a photographic memory, so she could definitely do it.

"Fine." I say after a while. "Just don't hurt him too badly."

"Dude, you want me to fight a girl?"

"She literally trained your trainer." I say, leading them to the gym.

"Hey apple." Trevor greets Sofie.

"Hey Trev. I'll come to the dance studio in a bit. Jordan and I are going to the mat." We all watch as they enter the mat.

"And start!" I say.

Jordan throws the first punch, but Sofie easily dodges. He tries kicking, but she dodges that, too. After a while, Sofie begins checking her nails while dodging. This makes Jordan really mad, and I begin to get worried. I know there's no need as soon as she swings and hits Jordan square in the jaw. He stumbles back and before e has a chance to retaliate, she does a kind of flips mid-air, kicking his head so that he falls to the ground.

My mouth is hanging wide open as Sofie lands gracefully on her two feet.

"Cherry, did you just us part of our dance routine in a fight?" Sofie just shrugs, while taking a sip of water. She looks at something behind me, and smiles wider. Turning around, I see my older brother with a stupid grin on his face.

"That's my girl." He says, opening his arms out for Sofie, who runs into them.

"I like to think I'm a woman." She replies with a smile.

My brother is really whipped, but I'm glad he has someone. After mom and dad died, he kind of closed off relationships. That was, until Sofie.

I'm mainly happy that it's Sofie that he fell for, because if it were some fake barbie doll, I wouldn't come over anymore. She's a pretty cool person to have as a sister.

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