Chapter 26

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Reese looked over and saw that Henry was trying to run away, and Greg and Tamara kept him from running

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Reese looked over and saw that Henry was trying to run away, and Greg and Tamara kept him from running.

Reese, now having strength and her magic back, ran up and put her hand through Greg's chest, but she looked over and saw Henry wide eyed, and she sighed.

"There's nowhere to run to." Greg stated to both of them.

"No shit, Greg. This is Neverland." Reese responded.

"Neverland?" Henry questioned, he turned to Greg and Tamara, "You're here to destroy Neverland?"

Tamara looked at Henry and huffed, "It's the mother lode of magic," she turned to Greg, "Where's the communicator? We need to signal the Home Office."

As Greg takes the communicator out of the backpack. Reese looks over at her great nephew and mouths, "We'll be okay."

"Here you go, T." Greg stated as he gave his girlfriend the communicator. Henry looked at the couple and questioned them, "An office in the jungle? Huh. Who works there?"

Greg gets up from the ground and walks towards Henry, "Who we work for is not your concern, kid. Just know that they take care of us."

"Do they? Can they tell you how to get back home after you destroy magic?"

"We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause."

"You should ask questions." Reese mumbled. Tamara rolled her eyes at the dark one, "Do that again and I snap your neck, got it?"

"You don't want to mess with me." Tamara responded.

"Actually," Henry put his hand up, "Reese is probably one of the scariest people I have ever met, so I would suggest that you don't threaten her."

Tamara sighed and turned towards Greg, and tried to operate the communicator. Reese looked over at Henry and said, "Do I really scare you?"

"I feel like you could just kill me by snapping your fingers. I thought that Mr. Gold was scary... Nope."

"I will take that as a compliment." Reese responded.

"Wait, weren't you having problems walking earlier? Why can you all of a sudden move?" Henry asked.

"That's a very good question, and I do not have an answer to that at the moment." Reese stated. She looked into the woods and continued, "But I will find out soon."

"Did you check the batteries?" Reese heard Greg ask his girlfriend. She looked over and saw that there was just sand coming out of the communicator. She laughed and that got the attention of Greg and Tamara.

"You should have asked questions." Reese stated. Greg walked up to the girl and grabbed her arm and started pushing her forward. Reese used her magic to push him back on the ground, "Yeah, if you want to survive this trip.. I would suggest that you don't lay a finger on me.. Thank you."

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