Chapter 24

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Reese was almost to the store, when someone pulled her into an alleyway

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Reese was almost to the store, when someone pulled her into an alleyway. Her first defense was to put her hand into the person's chest, but when she felt the same pain, she stopped.

"What the hell are you doing?" Reese questioned her very friendly pirate. "And what's your obsession with alleyways?"

"You don't look so good, love." Killian responded, adding a smirk to the end of his sentence, which to Reese's defense, made her smile. "What's wrong? Why does it look like you got into a fist fight and lost."

"First of all; I don't lose in a fist fight, and second of all; you are the reason why I look like this."

"How is it my fault that you look like that? I wasn't the one who punched you in the face." Killian responded innocently.

"I just can't take this whole thing anymore.." Reese stated, barely able to get her words out. "I have to go, I'll see you around."

Killian held on tightly to Reese's arm and she yanked her arm out of his grip, and started to walk away, but he wasn't giving up, so he chased after her.

"Please, just wait until after I see Regina. Then we can talk more." Killian said, making puppy eyes at Reese. Reese nodded her head and pointed at the store. "I'll meet you back here in ten minutes, got it?"

"Yeah." Reese responded.


Reese has been standing there for way more than ten minutes, and she was starting to get pissed, and tired.

She had been thinking about Killian nonstop for those tens minutes, and it was like she could hear his voice in her head. She looked around to see where the voice was coming from; Reese started getting scared when the world around her started going dark, and like that: she collapsed.

"You're the distraction." Regina stated and pushed Killian off of a cliff, making him- and Reese- groan in pain.

He's laying on the ground moving back and forth in pain, and Reese is doing the same thing but unconscious and not knowing that it's happening.

Killian looks over and sees something start to form from the ground, and he quickly got up from the ground while holding onto his side.

It turned into a more interesting version of Maleficent.But Reese's weird dream was stopped when her brother was calling her name, which also Killian heard which got him cut in the side from Maleficent.

Reese slowly opened her eyes and saw that most of the heroes were there staring at her- it freaked her out.

"Reese, what happened?" Everyone seemed to ask her as they helped her off of the ground.

Reese, losing her voice even more, said, "Killian."

"Killian?" David repeated.

"Hook." Rumple stated to the heroes- who were all confused. "You had another one of those dreams?"

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