Chapter 16

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Rumpelstiltskin was sleeping in his bed when he heard Reese scream bloody murder

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Rumpelstiltskin was sleeping in his bed when he heard Reese scream bloody murder. He quickly got out of his bed and rushed to her room. He saw her tossing and turning in her bed, and went to go wake her up.

"Reese." He said as he started shaking her awake. "Reese, please wake up. You're starting to worry me."

Reese bolted up, sweat going down her face, and she immediately pulled her knees up to her chest, and started to move back and forth. Rumple moved in front of Reese, so she could see him and put his hands on her knees.

"Reese, what happened? Why were you screaming?" Rumple asked her in a concerned voice. Reese is looking off in the distance and not responding to Rumple, which only made him more concerned. It looks like she's having an 'out of body' experience is the only way he can describe what's happening. "Reese!" 

He continues to shake her because he doesn't know what else to do. He realized that she was starting to come to, and stopped shaking her, and just stared at her.

Once Reese came back to reality, she looked over at Rumple- who was staring at her with a worried look on his face- and gave him a questionable look.

"What just happened? Why are you looking at me like that?" Reese asked her brother, but he didn't answer.. He just continued staring at her. "Why aren't you answering my question, Rumple? What just happened?"

"You're telling me that you have no idea what just happened?" Rumple questioned. Reese nodded her head and he rubbed his head with his hand. "You don't remember the dream you just had?" Reese shook her head in response. "So, if I tell you that you looked like you were being possessed-"

"-You aren't fucking with me, right now, right?" Reese asked him. "Because if you are... Well, then that's just messed up."

"Why would I joke about being generally worried about you." Rumple answered. "You were screaming and when I came in here... You weren't answering me, and you looked like you were a completely different person. You seriously don't remember anything?" 

"Why would I lie to you? Where would that get me?" Reese stated. "I don't even remember falling asleep, and I don't remember screaming. I don't want you to worry about me, Rumple." 

"How can I not worry?" Rumple asked. He took a deep breath in and told Reese, "You aren't going to New York anymore. You aren't stable enough to go."

"I'm not stable? What the hell do you mean by that?" Reese asked her brother. She was starting to get slightly upset, and it was very noticeable to Rumple.

"Never mind."

"No. Don't 'never mind' me. If you want to label me as 'unstable' I would like to know why you decided to tell me that? I'm not unstable, Rumple. I think that for the amount of abuse I've had... I'm pretty fucking okay. And I don't need my brother to tell me about my own mental state. I need you to help me through my rough times, and I CERTAINLY don't want to be here alone, so I am going to New York with you. Maybe the nightmares have something to do with my magic, so if I go somewhere where no magic is... Then maybe the dreams will disappear."

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