Chapter 28

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"Trust me, dearie, I know everything now." Reese smirked, "And I could ruin your whole plan... Think about that."

Peter Pan's face drops and grabs his daughter's arm, and pulls her off into the forest. Once they get far enough that no one can hear them, he releases his grip on her arm, and asks, "What the hell did that mean back there? How in the world do you know all of this?"

"Because I am connected to this damn island, and you can't hide anything from me. I know all, father." She stated, "You aren't saving this island by killing Henry; You're only saving yourself and you know that."

"You're the last person to ever judge me, Rae," he responded with the same amount of anger that she remembers from her childhood, "You're the selfish one that gave yourself the title of 'The heart of Neverland'. Why couldn't you give that title to me?"

"I was a FUCKING CHILD! How could I have ever known that I would be able to create this place? I didn't know the power I held, and if I would have known, I would have never drawn this whole island. You probably don't even know how dangerous it really is here.."

"Of course I do. I have all of your drawings, and I have studied them for centuries. You really think that I don't know everything?"

"There was one drawing that I threw away because it was way too scary, but I have a feeling that as soon as I put pencil to paper, it came true." Reese responded. "So, unless you dug through our trash.. I don't think you know about that."

"And what would that be?"

"Neverland is slowly killing you and even if you get that boy's heart.. You aren't going to survive that death."

"How could that even-"

"That pain that you feel every time you use the magic that this island gave you," she paused, "It's slowly eating you from the inside out, and even if I am in Neverland, it can't save you because you've been here for so long. Neverland was never meant to be a permanent home. Soon you will start feeling weak, and as soon as that happens... You won't have that much time left."

"You're lying! Why in the world would you even think of that?"

"Because I was a fucked up child." She replied. "And I'm guessing from the amount of anger you're showing right now, you believe me, or you're at least thinking about it."

"No, I don't believe you, and I will show you that I will live through this, and I will be the most powerful human!"

He angrily stomped off and Reese yelled, "The heart is only a temporary solution! You will find out soon that I am right!"


Reese has been punished by her father for standing up to him, and was put on 'tent arrest'. She sat there looking at the ground when she heard a loud scream. She quickly got off the ground and ran out of her tent.

She saw the world around her turning into the cabin that her and Cade stayed in. It was before all the shit happened, and she saw how happy she truly was.

Reese ran into the house laughing and Cade ran in after her, and grabbed her waist, and picked her up to spin her around in circles.

She laughed hysterically until Cade noticed a woman sitting in the corner, taping her fingernails on the table.

"Mother?" Cade questioned as he put Reese down on the ground, she moved her hair out of her face, and quickly got herself together. "I didn't think-"

"I didn't think that she would be here when I arrived." His mother stated as she got out of her chair. She walked over to Reese and started rubbing her arm. Reese moved her arm away, and Mary, his mother, slapped her across the face. "You do not move your arm disrespectfully like that. Were you raised on a farm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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