Chapter 13

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"Did you miss me?" Reese turned herself over and saw that someone she only knew because of her ex standing there smiling at her, but he was quick and pricked her with a needle; which made her fall into a deep sleep

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"Did you miss me?" Reese turned herself over and saw that someone she only knew because of her ex standing there smiling at her, but he was quick and pricked her with a needle; which made her fall into a deep sleep.

~Present time~

"So who kidnapped-" Henry was cut off by his mother walking into the Pawnshop. She was carrying a bag with groceries in it in one arm, and had the other hand on her hip.

"Who was kidnapped?" Emma questioned when she walked into the store. She put the bag of groceries on the counter and turned to face Reese. "Let me ask you again: who was kidnapped?"

"I was just telling Henry a story about my life, Emma. No need to get all 'bossy mom' on me now," Reese turned to face Henry. "I'll finish the story another time." Henry didn't even have to whine because Rumple did it for him. Reese huffed and turned to her twin, "why are you acting like a ten year old, Rumple?"

"I'm not acting like a ten year old." Rumpelstiltskin stated.

"You are indeed."

"No, I am not."

Emma laughed at the banter that Reese and Rumple had going on, but she tapped Henry on the shoulder. "Come on, kid. We have to continue shopping before going back to the apartment."

"But don't you already have groceries?" Reese questioned Emma, but the only answers she got was Emma pushing her kid out of the door. Reese laughed and then turned to her twin, "So who were you talking to before?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Who were you talking to on that device that you put on your ear?" Reese questioned. "And you know that I will get the answer out of you eventually, so might as well tell me now."

"I was talking to my-" Rumple cut himself off and turned to face a wall. He suddenly whispered, "girlfriend."

"Your what?"

"My girlfriend."

"Yeah, I heard it the first time but I just had a hard time believing it. Who is this girlfriend and when can I meet her?"

"Her name is Belle, and you will meet her at lunch. I have to go and fix something, but I will be back in an hour with her. Will you be okay if I left?"

"Well, I was thinking about walking around town, so I don't care if you go out." Reese semi joked. She wanted to spend as much time with her brother as possible. She missed him terribly while she was away, but she understood that he has a life here in Storybrooke.

"Are you sure you want to go out?" Rumple questioned, obviously nervous about the last time he left her alone.

"I've been through a lot, Rumple. I can handle myself out there." Reese stated. "And plus," She held out her hand and her dagger appeared, "no one messes with a dark one around here. Not even the 'savior' would be dumb enough to go up against moi." Reese clenched her dagger and made it disappear to where it was before, again.

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