Two For The Blood(Eric Northman) Ch.26 Maximus

Start from the beginning

I cleared my throat for them to break trail and in return I got nasty sneers and rude comments saying I didn't deserve him and that I wasn't right for him. Oh how wrong they were. I guess not everyone got the memo of Eric getting his soul mate. Oh well.

The Viking held out his arms for me to come sit with him. Slowly I sat on his lap and whispered to him about the phone call. He nodded and we went to his car to drive off.

"I wonder what's going on now. Maybe they know our creepy identity thief demon thing or whatever it is. Or maybe-"

"Or maybe we'll have to see once we get there." Eric cut in and I quickly apologized before shutting up for he rest of the ride.


I really didn't like seeing the counsel. Every time I went something happened. Not always good either, but I guess when you are going to save the have no choice.

"Miss Knight, Mr. Northman, thank you for coming." The voice I recognized as Jasper from the phone call greeted us and motioned us to sit. He sounded as old as he looked. Grey hair, light blue eyes, wrinkly skin. I wonder who turned him.

"Yeah, it's not like I had anything better to do. So why have you called us down here?" I asked and Eric took my hand in his as we sat down.

Jasper straightened up and exchanged a look at the other counsel members who nodded to each other. It was kind of creepy when they did that. I wondered if they could read each other's minds.

"It has come to us that the evil you have encountered on more than one occasion is in fact going to end the world and have it sucked into hell. Centuries ago it was stopped from doing so but has come back to finish the job. Unfortunately we had thought it would take longer but it is gathering followers and fast. You and your soul blood bonded are in grave danger. Furthermore this is the time when you will start to train to defeat it once and for all."

I sat there with my ass rooted to my seat. This thing had tried to take over before?! How in the hell am I supposed to stop it?! Train?! How do I train?! Pushups and weight lifting won't be doing the trick on this one!

"H-how do I do that? Will I have help? Do I have a time limit? I mean come on!" My mind was frantic! Who would ever think an eighteen year old would have to save the world?!

"You'll have me." A gentle but strong voice sounded and for a second I thought I was staring at Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. Like wow! They could be twins. If I wasn't in such a panic I would be drooling. Yes I do have a huge crush on Billie from Green Day. He is just too fucking sexy!

"This is Maximus." Jasper stated and my hottie Billie Joe look alike came to stand in front of me to shake my hand. I took it and we exchanged a nice gesture of nods. Eric however was feeling wary of him but I shut it out. I couldn't deal with it right now.

"Violet a thousand years ago I was in the same exact position you are now. I am a demigod like you. Unfortunately I was only able to put it to rest, like a deep sleep. I am sorry you have to do this. But I am here to train you. You will become faster, stronger, wiser, more skilled, and more powerful than ever so you can defeat this evil. It is a huge burden...but the weight of the world is on your shoulders." Maximus finished and sat in a chair facing me.

I shrugged. " No pressure then."

Maximus gave a light chuckle and I felt my legs turn to jello from nerves. The whole part about the weight of the world on my shoulders bit just kept playing over and over and over in my head. "I think I need an aspirin."

"I'll get you some when we leave sweet heart," Eric whispered to me and I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

"I think we can start as early as tomorrow." Maximus stated and I looked at him with surprise.

"Or I could train her." Eric spoke up with his authority voice. Oh shit.

"Leave it to the big boys Viking." Maximus sneered and I lost my breath when Eric and Maximus became toe to toe with each other.

"I am older than you demigod."

"And I am stronger."

"Want to put that to the test Maxy boy?"

"Any day old man."

I stood up to go to Eric but they must have said something else to each other because before I could blink I was sent backwards and landed on my stomach. "Ow."

You could barely tell a fight was happening right before your eyes. Eric and Maximus were going so fast all you could see were blurs. I couldn't keep track but cautiously got up and yelled for them to stop. They didn't but instead kept going at it. I was surprised the counsel was letting this go to this extent but maybe they were entertained.

"Eric! Maximus! Guys stop! Please!"

To my astonishment they did. The sight wasn't exactly pretty either. Eric's tank was ripped but I didn't see any blood. Maximus looked like shit and was bleeding from the mouth.

"Still think you're stronger?" Eric asked cockily but his chest was heaving like a dominant male.

Maximus said nothing but glared. I stood up slowly while watching them and asked if they were done with the bullshit. Both nodded and Eric came to wrap a arm around me. Again with showing his dominance. And to take it a step further he kissed me long and hard.

"Ok honey." I choked as oxygen was slowly making its way back into my lungs.

"So Violet, tomorrow at three?" Maximus asked as sincere as I have ever seen.


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