Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.15 Take Me Away

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Nothing sexual happened to Eric and I as we got back to his beach house. As soon as we got to our bedroom we were sharing I went to put on my pajama shorts and a tank, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and face, and at last went to bed. Eric placed a sweet kiss on my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. Something about his touch at that moment felt different. It felt like he was never wanting to let go and a little tense too. Sooner or later I fell asleep to horrific dreams.

All night my nightmares were of Eric, myself, and Sookie. They were always some version of Eric telling me that I wasn't the love of his life. The last one was one of the worst. I was on my hands and knees on a marble floor surrounded by vampires. One in particular I could see three feet in from of me. As I lifted my throbbing and bleeding head, a drop of blood from my lip too fell down to the floor and while I looked up at Eric. His face was stone cold and merciless. No sooner had I looked up at him did he kick me sending me back in pain. I could feel my soul ripping in half while one of my ribs cracked. It seemed like forever that I laid there, and just when I feel like I was done and about to die something in me ignited. A fire of strength and will. Slowly I saw and felt flames surround and become me. I felt indestructible as I stood up. The vampires around me backed off a few feet in fear but Eric looked right at me and let a bloody tear fall.

I woke in a gasp and strained for breath. As I inhaled as much oxygen as I could I looked over and saw Eric sound asleep and peaceful. Something in my gut told me something big was coming and it wasn't going to be good. As I mulled my thoughts over I stroked Eric's cool cheek. It was hard for me to imagine Eric trying to kill me or anything to that extent. It just didn't seem like it could happen.

Slowly I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to freshen up and get changed into some workout sweats and a tank top. As I walked out of the bathroom I put my hair into a pony tail and stopped to put on my Nike tennis shoes and socks before I went to Eric's in home gym. I wondered why Eric had one since he didn't need to work out, but regardless I needed to take my mind off of things and working out was a good way to do so.

The in home gym was equipped with everything you could imagine but I made my way over to the ihome dock and plugged in my ipod before I went over to the punching bag. My ipod was on shuffle and decided to play Fighter by Christina Aguilera. Slowly I wrapped my hands then began to punch. Left. Right. Left. Right. I couldn't stop. All I saw was red as I kicked, back handed, punched, and focused on the bag. It was like all that had been bubbling up inside me was finally getting itself out on the poor punching bag.

A few songs went by and I decided to give the bag a break and head over to the tread mill and go for a run. I worked out for an hour more and then proceeded to go take a shower. I decided to change into a red summer dress with thin straps, flowers on the hem that went down to just above my knees, and kept my hair down. Quickly I made my way out the beach and spent the rest of the day looking for shells, listening to the waves, playing in the sand, and soaking up the sun before Eric would come to find me.

As I sat in the cool sand watching the sun go down I could feel Eric was waking up and was eager to find me. As I waited I watched the waved crash down, pulled my knees to my chest to rest my head on, and sighed thinking about what was going to happen. I'm going to loose my virginity to Eric tonight. I'm going to loose my virginity to Eric tonight. I'm going to loose my virginity to Eric tonight. Over and over it rang in my head and I became nervous. What if I mess up? What if I freeze and don't know what to do? What if he laughs at me for something? Fuck!

A few moments later a big pair of cool arms wrapped themselves around me from behind. Instantly I knew it was Eric and leaned back against his chest.

"How did you sleep?" I asked and kissed him just under his jaw before turning my attention back to the waves.

He sighed and bent down to smell me, "I slept fine. It felt far too long to be away from you though."

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