U N O (part III.)

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The irritant sound of alarm woke me from my much-needed sleep

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

The irritant sound of alarm woke me from my much-needed sleep. Sitting up and turning off the alarm, I rubbed the rest of the sleep from my eyes.

My feelings are all over the place, I feel excited, nervous, happy... But then I remember that I'm leaving Daniel here alone, okay not really alone.

He has a girlfriend while I'm still single because every single guy which comes near me he or guys scared away. For God's sake, I'm gonna die alone.

However, brushing those thoughts I slowly got up from the bed and made my way toward the bathroom.

I showered last night so I wouldn't need it now. To be honest I don't know why but I hate showers in the morning. Quickly doing my business, I brush my teeth and hair.

Returning into the room I took clothes which I will wear. I was choosing what to wear during a flight whole last week because I didn't know how to dress for it.

Wearing jeans I was about to take a sweater from the dresser when knocking was heard on the door. Quickly I throw the sweater over my head and went to answer the door.

"Well, they are early." I mumbled under my breath to myself while opening the door for them to come in. "Morning." I said smiling softly.

"Guten morgen."
("Good morning.")

I looking at Daniel while letting a chuckle escape my lips and a slight frown pull on my face. "Since when do you speak German, liebe?" I asked with an amused look on my face.

"I don't." He answered "You all spoke on different language so I felt left out.." he said making a sad face which brought a small laugh from me "..and by the way that's the only thing I know to say. I wouldn't know that neither if I didn't flirt with some blond girl when we were in a club in Germany." he added under his breath.

"I sincerely hope that was before you met the dragon because if you did it after, you are a dead man." Matteo said with a laugh making all of us chuckle.

I don't even know why they started to call Daniel's girlfriend like that. I think it had something to do with the poor girl's hair which is bright red and reminds of fire. But then again I'm not sure.

"Yeah, yeah, it was before don't you worry. You know I'm not that type of guy." He said with a smile.
"I know, I know..." I said with small laughter.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked while looking at guys in front of me who nodded "Why are you calling Maya dragon? You never told me why? Or how that even happened?"

Matteo chuckled along with Angelo while Daniel facepalms himself.
"Well.." Matteo started looking at me with a goofy grin ".. to be honest, I don't remember. I think it had something to do with her not letting him go out with us at some club once?" He said but it sounded more like a question while looking at Angelo who nodded his head.

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