CHAPTER EIGHTEEN- the pups debut✔️

Start from the beginning

Today, I am doing something I have not done in my 238 years of life. I will be blessing multiple future leaders. As is the custom of this pack when a future leader does not have a father figure we ask mother and infant to step forward." Meri steps forward with Bryant in her arms. "We ask her father and father-in-law to step forward." They both step foreword and stand by Meri. "Earlier this week I had these two men come to my place. I asked them to list down every Beta and Alpha leader they could think of on a piece of paper and drop it into this raffle spinning drum. Now I am asking you each to spin the wheel 5 times each." They take turns spinning it 5 complete circles each. Then they step back. Zelig opens up the drum. He takes Bryant in his arm. "It has been 147 years ago this custom was last needed. What we do is have the grandfathers of the pup whose father or in this case fathers list down every leader wolf they can think of. Then as a seer I then invite every one on these listed to attend the blessing. I ask the grandpas of the pup then to mix the names up and you all saw them do it. Now let us bow our heads."

You see everyone bow their heads. The seer says, "Moon Goddess. We are here this afternoon to ask your guidance and blessing. We ask that you guide the little one into choosing his male sponsor. We ask that you guide him in choosing whom you feel will be his best match." The seer lowers the pup and when he raises him he hands him to his mother. He pries open the hand and looks puzzled. "He grabbed two pieces of papers." He reads the name. "This is unprecedented that he grabs two names. We will try it again." He drops one paper inside and Elder Ezra twirls it 5 times. He then adds the second paper and Elder Brent twirls it 5 more times. The seer writes down the names and folds it. He hands it to Elder Luna Donna.

The Seer says, "I would like the council to step foreword to observe closely. They stand on the stage watching. He grabs the pup from mom and says, " Moon Goddess please guide our young pup to choose whom you feel will be a great sponsor for this young pup." He sets him in the drum. A couple minutes later he pics the pup up and hands him to his mom. He steps back and says, "will a member of council open up young Bryant's hand and take the paper and read what it says.

One council person stepped foreword and she opened his hand. She laughed and looked out over the audience and held up two pieces of papers. She said, "he must be destined to have 2 sponsors."

The seer sighs and says, "no he is destined to have four." The council, audience and myself all gasp.

I looked at him, "what do you mean four?"

The seer mumbled, "Of course. I should of thought of this the first time. Bryant's father was an identical twin. The Moon Goddess has guided him to the only two sets of identical alphas in the world." The seer looks and says, "council to keep from fighting happening I need to talk to you before we share what is going on. This explains my dreams." He turns and walks back stage to a dressing room.  The council follows and Elder Leader steps up to the microphone.  "I do not know what is happening, but We have some talented young pups whom I linked and they are going to come up and share some songs. Please enjoy this entertainment until the seer and council are ready.  We walk off the stage and about 25 minutes later they call Elder Ezra, Elder Donna and Alpha Issac into the room.  About 10 minutes later they call Conway, Conrad, Izzy and Ana back into the room.  Then 10 minutes later they all step out.

I look at Conrad and said, "all this time we have talked you never mentioned you had an identical brother."

"Conway, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Meredith. She is the one everyone kept trying to hook us up with, but we kept say no we are just friends. Now I will say I guess more like a sisterly bond.

The council steps foreword onto the stage, "Everyone knows this week we are here at this pack to celebrate the blessing of future leaders.  Plus this pack is having an appreciation for the Lycan's assistance in bringing down a dark force pack, and the mateless carnival and ball.

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