"Should I...?"

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"Finally!!" I yelled in relief as me and my team arrived back at the village.

  As soon as we entered past the gate, I plopped down to the ground and lay onto my back; not caring if I was getting dirt or sand stuck in my hair.

  'I'll just wash it out tomorrow...', I thought as I just lay there.

  Suddenly, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder followed by the sound of someone sitting down next to me on the ground. I hummed in response as I peeked my left eye open to see who was there. When I saw who it was, I mentally slapped myself.

  'Of course, it had to be Mitsuki....', I thought as I sat up and turned my attention fully on him.

  "Yes, Mitsuki?"

He smiled at me with his usual soft smile that always made his golden eyes seem like they're glowing and asked, "I was wondering if you're feeling alright. Your head has been bothering you lately, hasn't it?"

  I just stared at him for a moment.

  "Uh...yeah. It has but it's been getting better." He looked at me with the most serious expression I have ever seen from him.

  "W-what?", I asked nervously. "You're not lying to me are you?", he asked while staring deep into my blue orbs, "Because you have a habit of lying about injuries and then you go and do something stupid."

  All I could do was blink my eyes in response.

  "N-no. I'm alright. Really."

  His face seemed to lighten up at that. "Alright. But if you still feel sick, feel free to stop at my place. You already know it's always quiet there since I live alone. I also know that it can get kinda loud at your house since you have a little sister."

  "Uh, yeah."

I looked down at my lap as I started to get lost in my thoughts again.

  'Should I go to his house today? I mean, if I do, we could maybe bond some more and if I act all sick, he would take care of me and do that thing where he gently rests his hand on my forehead to see how hot I am--OOH! What if he lets me stay overnight? He only has one bed, so we'd have to sleep together-!'

  As that last thought slipped through my mind, I instantly felt my face flush again. Honestly, ever since last week, I've slowly been starting to get used to these thoughts and the weird butterfly sensation that I have when I'm near Mitsuki or when I think about him.

  I talked to Sarada about it and she told me it was being caused by a crush that I have on him apparently. I never had a crush before, so it took a while to get used to it. Especially since he was a boy. Like me.

  Growing up, I always thought that boy HAD to like girls, but ever since I started noticing the way I feel towards Mitsuki, I notice more same sex couples around.

  After I realized my feelings for him, it only made these 'symptoms' worse. I looked away from Mitsuki to hide my now red face as I asked, "Hey, Mitsuki?"

  I heard him hum a sweet tone in response to let me know that he was listening. "Uh, well, if that offer to come to your house is still available, I'd like to go.", I said nervously, turning my gaze to meet him as my face cooled down.

He smiled that sweet smile of his again, causing me to stare at his golden eyes as my face started to heat up AGAIN.

  'I can't catch a break, can I...?'

  I was brought out of my thoughts as he stood up and brushed himself off. He walked in front of me and held his hand out for me to take.

  "Well, shall we, Boruto-kun?", he asked; smiling once more as the sun shone brightly to highlight the features of his face.

  'Man, I've got it bad...'

  I shook my head to clear myself of the intruding thoughts as I smiled and reached up to grab his hand in mine; accepting his offer.

  "Yes. We shall."

  He pulled me up and I think I got up too fast, as my head started to spin and I almost fell back onto the ground until I felt Mitsuki catch me.

  "Are you alright, Boruto?", He asked as I looked up at him.

  "Y-yeah. I think I just got up too fast.", I said as I tried to stand up on my own. "Maybe I'm not as alright as I thought..."

  Seeing my struggle, Mitsuki said, "Well, seeing as you don't seem like you can walk..."

  As he trailed off, he placed a hand on my mid-back and trailed it down to my waist to wrap around me as I shivered at the sudden contact. He proceeded to bent down and without a second to waste, he yanked me up into the air, carrying me bridal style.

  I swear that in that moment, my face has never been as red as it is now. I covered my flushed face the best I could it with my hands before he moved them away with one of his hands as he smirked at me; finishing his statement, "I'll carry you to my house."

  He started walking and hopping on the rooftops with me in his arms. Halfway to his house, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

  'Well, it wouldn't hurt to get some shut-eye.', I thought as I leant my head against his chest and closed my eyes.

  Next thing I knew, I was fast asleep in my crush's arms, flying over rooftops through the village.

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