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"Holy shit, holy shit—" I could see that Kawaki was panicking.

He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me, carefully leading me away from the counter.

"Come on." He gently placed me on the floor and started asking what was happening.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I knew exactly what was happening.

"I think—I think I just had a miscarriage..."

I started to feel dizzy, probably from blood lose, seeing as how I was still bleeding.

Kawaki noticed and started tapping my shoulder to keep me awake.

"You gotta stay up. Don't close your eyes." He looked around.

Grabbing a towel that was sitting on the rack, he carefully spread my legs and applied it with pressure, hoping that'd work.

"I'm sorry of this is awkward, but I need to do this or else you could die."

I hummed in response as I tried to fight the drowsiness.

"Hinata-San!", he began calling for my mom with a panicked voice.

"Hinata-San! Please! I need help up here! Boruto's bleeding!"

After a while, I heard footsteps rapidly approaching up the stairs.

My mom entered with a shocked face.

"Boruto! What happened?!"

She raced over and helped Kawaki apply pressure onto the towel.

I started crying as I told her. Surprisingly, she didn't get mad at all. All she did was look at me with concern and shame.

"I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't tell me. I'm so sorry."

She started breaking down and that's the last thing I wanted.

"I'm going to call Sakura-San to get an ambulance.", Kawaki said as he left the bathroom in a hurry.

"M-mom...", it was a bit hard to talk through the drowsiness, "it's not your fault...there was...just a lot...going on..."

  She looked up at me and hugged me with one arm since her other was focused on applying pressure to the area where the blood was coming from.

  "Ok. I promise I'll be more understanding, ok?"

  She used her free hand and held it on my shoulder for comfort.

  "I'm here."

  I smiled the best I could back at her in my tired state.

  "Thanks, mom."

  I started feeling my eyes close as she started shaking me, probably trying to keep me awake.

  In the end, I just let go. I suppose I didn't want to live this life anymore. It was too painful.

  I lost the love of my life, then I lost our kid. All because I'm reckless and don't think things through.

  God, how am I so stupid?

Soon after, Sakura-San showed up. She rushed over to me and proceeded to check my vitals as well as clip the unbiblical cord apart and she cleaned me up before helping me up.

She helped me walk to the front door as Kawaki and my mom stayed close in case we needed them.

She loaded me onto the stretcher and into the ambulance.

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