LIV | Sacrifice

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THE SKY SHINES BRIGHT WITH STARS, BUT EVEN the beauty of the universe isn't enough to distract me.

"She was happy," I say softly. It's three in the morning, and Dominic sits beside me on the porch. Everyone is inside, sleeping, and all the lights are off.

"She said yes," I whisper.

Dominic is silent, but I don't need his words, I just need him. Him by my side, him not leaving me alone. For me, that's enough. It's everything.

I blink tears out of my eyes. With Dominic and the moon as my only witness, I let out a breath. "I thought maybe she would . . . I know she thinks I betrayed her, I can't blame her."

"Explain it to her," Dominic says. "Let her know it's the Reaper that set her up."

I shake my head. "I can't. She was happy, and I promised myself that if she was . . . I would leave her alone. Did you see her smile when she said yes? She wasn't thinking of me, and I don't need to ruin what she has."

The stars twinkle, and pale clouds drift over the moon.

"I know it's so wrong of me to say this, but I almost didn't want her to be happy, I wanted her to want me. Selfish, I know. But I couldn't help it."

For a while we just sit in silence, and it is peaceful. I feel the energy draining from me, my anger dissolving. It is so calm here, and I want to lay here a little while longer, in a haze of forgetfulness and bliss.

I don't even realize I'm falling asleep until an engine growls at the front gate. Without waiting, the car runs right through the gates.

Dominic and I both leap to standing.

This doesn't seem like a friendly invitation to me.

"Do you have your gun?" I ask, and he nods once.

The car is so fast, the headlights white and blinding. I can't see who's inside, but when the car door slams open and a man jumps out, I know it's not good.

"Angel," he says.

Cassian Genovese.

"Cassian," I reply pleasantly. "What the fuck are you doing at my house."

He cocks a gun with a shaking hand. But I know the reason for the trembling isn't hesitation or doubt―no, it's fury. It's anger.

I don't have time to think about what Cade's fiance is doing at my house at three a.m, shaking with rage.

Because in the next moment, he pulls the trigger.

The bullet flies.

And it doesn't miss.


I'm not keeping you here! Go to the next chapter! I don't want you to be in suspense!

From the moon and back,

Angel's Mafia (gxg) ✓Where stories live. Discover now