info on omega verse

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( this is my information I might be wrong so sorry)

Alpha- the highest of the hierarchy. They have a mark on their hand, check ,or neck or chest.(this is just my input) they got into rut 2 times a year. Or if their mate is in heat it can trigger their rut. With alphas when they meet their fated mate they will go into rut and so will their fated mate. When fated mates bond they share a mark that shows there together. The mark will not be able to be removed (why because my heart can't handle angst 😢) (pregnant*female only*)
Beta- their in the middle they don't really go into heat or in rut.(lucky them) (can get pregnant *female only*) can be marked by alphas but is rare.
Omega- lowest of hierarchy. Go into heat every month.(poor omegas) sometimes they are treated badly since both genders can get pregnant. (But it has happened less since is been years) ( but male omegas are still kinda treated with disrespect)(female and male omegas don't discriminate each other because why? That like making fun of themselves) males and females can both get pregnant. Some omegas are still afraid of betas and alphas because of the treatment they got.

(Second fan fiction
I'll see if I do better in this one)(I think I pretty much made up most of the stuff. Because I don't remember omega verse introduction.) ( Btw alphas fight for domince in wolf forms)(yes they have ears and tails.)

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