Its a trap

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Carter pov

Ugh what happened? My head hurts. Hey why does it smell like a sewer?

So then I open my eyes and I see that we are in a gross basement. Then I look around and I see Nash and Matthew already awake. Then i noticed that I'm all tied up and do are they.

So then I ask Nash,"why are we here? Wait where's Camille, Jasmine and Natalie?!" Then Matthew said,"when the fans came the girls left the place so I beg they're safe." so then I nodded and then I see the door and I see this three people.

Two guys and one girl. One guy that needed a haircut. The other guy that looked like those mariachi people. And one girl, hey hold on I know that girl. It's Leslie?!

So then Leslie walks up to me and said,"hey babe." then j said,"don't say babe. You might ruin that word forever." So then she gasped and walked away with her heels.

Then the guy that needed a haircut came up to me and punched me in the jaw. I groaned and I see little stars.

Then I see Leslie coming up to me. Then she said,"hey Louis go where Natalie's boyfriend is!" Then he clenched his jaw and then he ran towards Matthew. Then she said,"no dumbass the other one!!" Then he just walked up to Nash and started to punch him. Then she said,"juan wanna take Matthew?"

Then he said,"no I'm gonna take Nash for stealing my girl?!" Then Louis said,"hey she's my girl?!" Then Juan and Louis started to fight and me and Matthew and Nash started to laugh.

Then Leslie said,"ugh you two are dumbasses!" So then Louis and Juan got up and acted like nothing happened.

So then Louis said,"well we sent your girlfriends a note so they can come get you. At 7 you can expect some screaming and killing."

So then Matthew said,"jasmine wouldn't let them do this."

Nash said,"Natalie wouldn't be so stupid to come get me if she knows what to happen."

Then Nash and Matthew looked at me and said,"uhhh Camille might be going. no she's not that stupid in a situation."

Camille pov
"Ok Natalie you sneak in and Jasmine you go hit cooties in the head. and I'll fight ewww. aka Louis."

So then we decided to go around 6 and get them. So we decided to wear black like those robbers or something. hehe this is gonna be fun.

It's 5:45 and we are already at his house. So we looked through the window and no one was inside.

They probably left.
Ha dummies.

So then Jasmine opened the door with a bobby pin and we got in. We looked around and then we went to the fridge.

Hey we are exhausted if coming up with a plan and going shopping for black clothes. We need food.

So then after the good food we went downstairs to the basement and I see Carter, Nash, and Matthew.

So then I run up to Carter and said,"Carter? Carter wake up?!" So then he opened his eyes and then he kissed me.

Then I hear Natalie saying,"cartah stop! Cartah don't do that."

Then we all laughed and then I hear Matthew saying,"t-trap it's a trap!" Then all of a sudden they came out.

I fell in love with my best friend (Carter Reynolds fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now