Double biaches great

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Camille pov
I woke up with Carters arm around my waist. I tried to get up but I was pulled back from Carter.

Then I said,"cartah stop it! Cartah don't do that!" Then he chuckled and said,"my fans do that to me sometimes at magcon." Then I said,"i know and can you let me go I have to pee." But then he got on top of me, kissed me and got off. Then he smirked and said,"now you can go." I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and took my shower and did all that shower stuff. Then I got out with a towel wrapped around my body and got changed. I got my undergarments and then got a white crop top that says Cali and some blue shorts with some white converse. I know it's December but ya know Cali weather is weird.

So I got my crutches and tried to go downstairs but then Carter stopped me. Then he carried me bridal style and grabbed my crutches. Then I whined and said,"I'm not a baby Carter. " Then he smirked and said,"so this whiny girl isn't a baby?" Then I blushed and said,"fine I may be a baby." Then he chuckled and said,"well your my baby."

So we went downstairs and see everyone. Everyone is like on the floor. I took a pic and put it on Instagram and tagged everyone on it saying,"these people crashed in my house. Animals much? Jk."

So then I told Carter to go get my airhorn from my room. When he got back we both got airhorns. Then we covered our ears. Then they all screamed while we were laughing.

A few minutes later after they were yelling at me and Carter I said,"lets go to Starbucks!!" Then the next thing they were in two of my cars.

Skip car ride


So then we all got to Starbucks and they got their drinks. So when it was mine and Carters turn. So I ordered a hot chocolate and he ordered a caramel frappe.

Then the guy said that the total is $10 and then when Carter was about to pay I decided to trick him. I said "Carter look there are crazy fans outside!'" Then he said"where?!" When he wasn't looking I gave the guy the money and I grabbed our drinks. Then he pouted and said,"you tricked me. you owe me a kiss now." Then he puckered his lips and then I said"oooook" then instead of kissing him I put his straw in his mouth. Then I said,"there ya go."

So then after we got our drinks we decided to go to the mall. We all got into the cars and got there. The guys well except Cameron thought it was a good idea to Carr their girlfriends around the mall. So the girls got carried and me too. I was walking with Cameron too and he looked kinda sad.

Then I looked at Carter and said"pass me to Cameron. Then Cameron carried me and I said"hello." so Carter and Cameron thought it was a good idea to throw me around in their arms. Then I looked at the other couples.

Nash and Natalie were kissing. it would be funny if he would trip. But my gosh I said,"of you guys keep kissing Nash might close his eyes and you'll both fall!!" Then they both blushed.

I looked at jasmine and Matthew and he was holding her bridal style. And they were just talking and sometimes kissing secretly. They are so adorable.

I look at Hayes and Lucy and they look like they're having fun. Hayes keeps making her laugh and they spin around and have fun.

So then Carter was carrying me and then Cameron suddenly walks away to a girl?! Ooh Cameron get some!

Cameron pov
I was with Camille and Carter and then I see a really pretty girl by the fountain. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I walk up to her and she looks at me. I said,"hi I'm Cameron. What's your name?" Then she said,"my names Vanessa." Then I said,"nice to meet you Vanessa. Do you want to hang out with me and my friends?" Then she said,"sure." Then we walked up to them and i say,"hey guys this is Vanessa and Vanessa these are my weird friends." They they all say,"hi." and so does Vanessa.

Camille pov
Cameron likes Vanessa!!! And while we were still at the mall I saw two people that disgust me and Natalie. So then I say,"natalie! Get over here." Then Natalie got off Nash and she came over. Then i told Carter to let me go and he did and gave me my crutches. So then i told Natalie to follow me. When we were walking she noticed who they were an she looked kinda ready to fight. Cuz ya know we both hate Louis and Leslie.

We walked over to them and they were sucking faces. Then they looked at us and stopped. Louis said,"its the ugly bitches" then Natalie was trying to attack him but I held her back. Then I said,"have you seen yourself in the mirror?" Then I said,"im so happy you guys are together." Louis and Leslie looked at me weird. Then I said,"whore and manwhore together."

Then Louis was about to punch me but Natalie punched him first. Then she smirked and said,"i always wanted to do that." then when Leslie was gonna tackle me I just tripped her. My gosh both if them were so weak.

So then Louis is like,"babe are you ok?" Then Leslie said,"no I'm hurt. lets go." then Louis left and before he left he said,"i will get revenge on you guys!!"

So then we walked well Natalie did. I was on my crutches. And when we went back and they didn't notice anything we did. Thank goodness.

Later on we were all just having fun and Cameron and Vanessa looked cute. They were all close and just omg so cute.

Then we all went home and yeah. I'm just nervous about Louis and Leslie.

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