Jealous much

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Camille POV
I woke up on my bed with Carter next to me. His arm is around my waist and yeah. He looks so peaceful. Well I should get ready,but I don't want to wake him up. So I took out my body pillow and when I got out I replaced me with my pillow. Then I saw him cuddling with it. I made a little quiet giggle and I took a picture. He looked so cute.

So I decided to go downstairs to see if they were still down stairs and they were. On one side of the couch I see jasmine cuddled up with Matthew. They look cozy. 😉 So I took a pic. They look cute. Then I saw Nash and Natalie. Nash is lying on his back and Natalie is on top of him and Nash is holding her waist. Awwww I need to take a pic of that. I smirked. They'll thank me later or just smack me. I'll take my chances. So then I went upstairs and Carter was still sleeping.

So I decided to get ready. I went in the bathroom in my room and took a nice 10 minute shower. It felt sooo good. Then I got ready. I wanted to go to the mall with the girls and the guys so I decided to look a little cute. So I got a floral dress with some sandals. I decided to leave my hair naturally wavy and it actually looks good today. I decided to not wear makeup so yeh. Even if it's october it's still kinda sunny. So yeah. Then I got out and saw Carter awake.

When I got to him I hugged him and he spun me a little. Then I smirked and said,"had fun hugging a pillow?" He blushed and said,"you're way comfy than a pillow. I'd rather be hugging you then a pillow." Now it was my rune to blush. Then he looked at me. He said,"Are you not wearing makeup?" I said,"yeah should I go put some...." Then he interrupted saying,"no you look way more beautiful without makeup." So I blushed again and we went downstairs.

Natalie POV:
I'm so comfy right now. Hmm I'm still on the couch? Why would I be comfy? So then I opened my eyes and saw that I'm on top of Nash. I blushed and then I fell of the couch and said,"owwww." Stupid gravity. So then Nash woke up immediately after and looked at me with concern. Then he said,"OMG Natalie are you ok?!" I said,"I'm fine." Then I looked at jasmine and Matthew and 'awwed'.

Jasmine POV
Whose awwing?! I'm trying to sleep here. Ugh it was probably Natalie. So I woke up and I was gonna get up until I heard,"babe don't leave yet." I turned around and saw Matthew. Omg we were sleeping together. Hehe so I said,"get up sleepy head." He groaned and said,"fine." Then we all see Camille and Carter come down stairs.

Camille POV
We went downstairs and see them all awake. So then I said,"get ready it's time to go to the mall!!" So the girls went upstairs to steal my clothes and the guys went home to change. So I went upstairs in my room and I saw them in my closet looking for clothes to wear. Natalie took high waisted shorts and a gray crop top. Jasmine took a top that said normal is boring and a pair of shorts. Natalie went to my bathroom to shower and jasmine took the guest bathroom. So I just went on my phone and got bored so I decided to listen to music. Then I see Natalie and jasmine and then they went down stairs. Prob for some food. So I decided to get there faster so I slid down the rail. I love doing that. So when Natalie and jasmine went down I ran back upstairs and they looked at me weird. Then they see me go down the rail again and they say,"really." And I said,"yes really."

So then we made some cereal cuz we were too lazy to cook. Then we heard the door bell and jasmine got it. Then we saw our bfs and we decided to take my car. But what I said,"we don't have enough room in my car. One of you have to sit on his or her lap. So then Nash said,"oh well I guess me and Natalie have to share a seat." And then he smirked.

Natalie POV
When Camille said that we one of is had so share a seat Nash said,"oh well I guess me and Natalie have to share a seat." And he smirked. I blushed. Then he said,"oh darn. come on babe." So we got in Camille's car. She was gonna drive and she winked at me and mouthed,"awww." I rolled my eyes and smiled. Also Matthew sat in the left side and jasmine was in the middle. Then Nash sat down and I was in his lap. And he out on our seatbelt and he held my waist. This is gonna be a long ride.

Camille POV
Nash is so adorable to let Natalie sit in his lap. So while we were driving I looked at the mirror thingy and then I see Nash ticking Natalie. She started to kick the seats and I said,"don't ruin the car!" And then Matthew started ticking jasmine and she started kicking the seats. Carter was bout it tickle me and I held his wrist and I said,"tickle me and I slap you." Then he chuckled and put his hands up in surrender. Then when we were at a red light I smacked Nash's and Matthews leg hard. They said owe and I said,"your girlfriends are making scuff marks in my car. Stop it!!!" Then they said fine and we kept driving. No one messes with my car.

So when we got to the mall we went to qrew first. We got some clothes and my gosh buying clothes is fun when your not a loner. Ok then we went to wet seal and the guys decided to stay outside the shop to wait for us. So me,Natalie and Jasmine stayed together. Then 3 guys came up to us and started to flirt with us. They said,"what's a couple of beautiful girls doing by themselves." I said,"could you guys leave us alone. We all have boyfriends so get lost." Then this guy grabbed me by the waist and said,"feisty huh." Then the other two idiots grabbed Natalie and jasmine. Then the next thing I knew all three of them got punched in the face.

Carter POV
What taking them so long? So we decided to find them and these guys were with our girlfriends. There was a guy holding Camille!! Oh hell no!! I went up to him a punched him the face and I hugged Camille.

Nash POV
I saw one of the guys holding Natalie and she was trying to get away from him! Then I yelled,"get away from her!!" No one touches Natalie.

Matthew POV:
One of them got a hold of my jasmine?! Oh hell no. So I got red and punched the guys hard in the face!! No one touches my girl!!

Camille POV
Everything looked like a blur. They sure got jealous. I looked at Carter and he looked jealous. I kissed him and said,"you were jealous." Then he blushed and said,"Well your my girl. You're my girl." And then I see the other couples kissing. Uhh eww. So then I dropped off all of them to their house and I fell asleep on my bed. Too lazy to change.

Natalie POV:
I can't believe that Nash got jealous. It looked kinda hot. I love him. He really cares a lot. Hehe. Then I went to bed.

Jasmine POV
Matthew got jealous. He looked as red as a tomato. So I was thinking bout it. We both really care bout each other. And when he's jealous the tomato comes out. Ok now I'm tired. Bed time!

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