My memory?!

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Camille pov

I was in that weird déjà vu again. But this time it was about me, Natalie, and these 2 guys and one girl.

Like other déjà vu no one can see me. So I looked where me and Natalie were and we were in a basement. Huh weird.

So then these 2 guys and one girl came out. One of the guys really needed a haircut and one of the girls needed longer clothes.

So then I see me talking back.

Ooh need ice for that burn!!!

So then I looked at them and looked at them like they were mental.

But I looked f the me that's tied up and then I look at Natalie. Then I see us fighting and being bad asses!

Dayyyyyym!!! 💁✌️😜😎😎😎

So then I see myself getting stabbed. Then I feel a weird pain in my tummy.

Was this what happened. The most recent?

Then all of a sudden I appeared in a hospital. Huh then I look at me and I'm in a hospital bed. And then the me wakes up and looks at me.

Then I was talking to myself. That's so cool. So then she said,"the memory that you just saw a while ago is when I lost my well our memory."

Then I looked at her and said, "how do you know this? Isn't this the day when we lose our memory?" Then she smiled and said,"this is a dream. Dreams can tell you anything."

Then all of a sudden Carter came in and this is the part where i don't know them.

I understand this now. Then all of a sudden a note popped in my hands saying.

This guy that's crying with the SnapBack. Well this is our boyfriend. And give him a kiss. And have fun with your memory back.

Love, you

P.S: have fun waking up. ;)

End of dream

Then all of a sudden a flash of light shined and then I see Carter looking at me. I said,"hey what happened?" He said,"well I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't wake."

So then I nodded and then he was talking to me about something. But I was just looking at him.

Is this really my boyfriend? Well I think he was cuz well dream me said so. And she had way more memory then me.

Then all of a sudden my brain like grew. I had some information that I never knew. Then a note said

Kiss Carter for me.
Signed by you.

Then he just looked at me and gave me a kiss. He looked at me shocked but slowly kissed back.

Then I said,"i missed my memory baby but I missed you the most." Then he smiled and then he started to cry. I wiped his tears and said,"baby why are you crying?"

Then he wiped some of his tears and said,"i just missed you so much." then we hugged and I said,"its good to be back."

So then he picked me up and then we saw everyone downstairs. So then Carter said,"hey guys guess what?! Camille has her memory back!!!"

They were so happy but then Natalie came up to me and said,"well I have a question to ask her to see if it's really her."

So then she said,"when was my first kiss?" Ten I smirked and said, "well your first kiss was this year with Nash but if you're talking about your first peck it was with Juan or cooties."

So then I laughed while Natalie said,"yeah yeah it's the real her."

So then everyone was hugging me and just screaming in happiness.

So then I went upstairs to check on Olivia and then she was awake. Then I told her that she was going home. So j went to shower then change in sweater, legging and boots.

Then we dropped her off and then I came back and Cameron was chasing me cuz I told Nash to push him in the pool. So Cameron is chasing me and he's soaking wet and this is not gonna end well.

So then I went upstairs and j locked the door. I knew that they were gonna unlock the door so then I climbed up the roof and sat up there.

Then I heard the door unlock and I hear Carter and Cameron laughing and looking for me. They were looking but then they were confused.

Ha losers.

Then all of a sudden..........

A/N: ha a cliffhanger. So yeah I will update if I feel like so yeah byeeee

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