All The World's a Stage.

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s a child, everyone's fed stories.

Beautiful stories with happy endings. The stories that we listen to with a smile graced on our faces. The stories that we forget, for there's nothing but unicorns and rainbows

But there's always that one story that doesn't sit well. It just creeps into the back of our minds and stays there.

Maybe it's the ending. An ending that doesn't resonate with us. An ending that feels absurd. An ending that feels untrue.

For Elysia, that story was Avyanna and Aldrich's.

Something about their ending wasn't right. Elysia felt it the day her mom narrated the story to her.

And now she knew she was right.

Aldrich and Avyanna had been murdered.

Elysia could've squealed from the mere thought that she was right if it wasn't for Zavian's eyes that stood cold and distant.

There was something bigger at play here with Zavian, she could feel it. He'd gone from warm to cold within seconds.

She didn't want to pry , or get him into talking about anything he wasn't comfortable with. So she decided to let it rest.

Not that she wouldn't bring it up later. Of course she would.

Zavian got up from the swing and walked towards the creek. He stood in a somewhat middle ground and crooked his finger at Elysia, beckoning her closer.

Elysia walked towards him and relief flooded through her as she found Zavian's eyes warm again.

She didn't like seeing his eyes cold and distant. She wanted them to be warm and playful forever - like they were, at this moment.

"Let's see how strong those reflexes of yours are."

Before she could contemplate what was happening, a soft yet firm jab was delivered to the left side of her jaw.

"What the hell?! Did you just --"

"What the hell ? Did I just -- yes I did " he mocked, delivering another jab ; now to her right jaw.

"Alpha Zavian, I think you have a death wish."

"Elysia Jarsdel, you're all bark no bite."

"Oh I can bite alright." She said lowly, and with that ,she closed her eyes started throwing frantic kicks and punches in Zavian's direction.

None of them hit him.

Elysia opened her eyes a bit to see Zavian standing with his hands in his pockets, his lips twisted in a smirk.

Zavian had created a shield for himself.

A magical shield.

"What the ---" Elysia whispered.

Another one of stories that they tell - stories of werewolves that possessed magic.

It had always been discarded as rumours. But now? Zavian was here and he was doing it  right in front of her.

A white impenetrable sort of light surrounded him. And whatever it was he was doing - standing there with his hands in his pockets , making it look effortless. What even --

Before she could overthink, the white light around him turned red and in front of her very eyes ,  fire took the white lights place.

Never once did he break eye contact with her.

From a Grave to a Cradle Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang