Curiousity Killed The Cat.

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17 minutes after waking up from a vague dream, Elysia stood in front of a frantic looking Zavian.

He took four long strides and he was right in front of her , eyes scanning up and down her body checking for any kind of wound.

Slowly, she tore her eyes away from his face and started looking him up and down. Only now did she notice his hand was clutching his own stomach.

Exactly where the woman in the dream had been stabbed.

Her eyes widened at the realization and she instinctively placed her hand right on the hand he was clutching his stomach with.

She looked up at him and he just nodded.

It was an answer enough.

Zavian knew.

What, she didn't know. But some things are too weird to be coincidences, she knew as much.

He slowly reached for her fingers and grabbed her hand. "Let's go somewhere else." He simply said.

She couldn't do much but follow.


Zavian's mind had been in pieces ever since he saw that wretched dream for the sixth time in last month that night. Except this time, the face had changed.

It was no longer her, it was Elysia.

And for the first time in his dreams, he'd acted instead of standing there paralysed. For the first time ever since he'd had dreams like these, he didn't have to stand there, paralysed, looking at the scene unfold before him.

But the fact that he'd acted hadn't saved him the heartbreak. The scene had still unfolded like always. But this time, it hit different.

It hit different because it was Elysia in his dream.

"When did you get back from Alecto?" She asked abruptly, sitting in the passengers seat of his car.

She watched as the distant look in his eyes faded. "A total of --"

He glanced at his watch,

"-- 3 hours." He gave her a small smile.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" She turned a bit so she could get a better look at his face.

"Well. Technically, yes. But then stuff happened and I knew I had to check up on you."

Elysia just nodded and peeled her eyes away from him and on toward the road. Only now did she notice that they were on their way to somewhere she never had been.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." He said, plainly.

Elysia gently placed her head against the window, watching the trees rush by.

Brown hair, porcelain skin - almost glowing. Black dress flowing like rivers and a face crafted by god.

The woman some distance ahead of them smiled at her and raised a hand in her direction , as if trying to communicate.

Before she could contemplate, Zavian's car had sped away from the spot. Elysia placed both of her hands on the window and turned her neck in an uncomfortable position, trying to get another look at the woman.

"Zavian did you see that?!" She was getting frantic.

"See what?" She felt the change in his mood. From calm to calculative in mere seconds.

"I don't know -- I --"  she took a few deep breaths before continuing "it was as if she called out to me." She said.

Zavian said nothing. His eyes turned cold.

He just grabbed her hand which was resting on her thigh and intertwined their fingers. One hand at the steering , other in Elysia's.

"We're almost there." He said with a stoic face.


"Those are some huge ass iron doors!" Elysia whisper screamed at Zavian while he parked his car in front of a..

..well in front of a freaking palace.

Lights out, creepy looking. The palace was the ones that she was sure would contain one of those long tables with vampires sitting on one end.

"What is this place" she said in awe.

"Found it a few years ago. Checked it for vampires and long tables. There aren't any."

"How did you --- "

"I have my ways." He looked away from the palace only to give her a quick wink.

He intertwined his fingers with hers again and started walking, pulling her with him.

The backyard of the creepy palace was beautiful. A creek flowing nearby and the moon gorgeous and full.

Zavian took Elysia further into the backyard where an old and slightly rustic swing was. He sat on the swing, Elysia followed suit.

They fell into a comfortable silence - a trance of sorts. Elysia felt that talking - or even breathing too loudly would ruin this, and she was sure Zavian thought the same.

"Who did you see in your dreams?" Zavian asked, his voice low and soft.

"I couldn't see her face. It was a powerful woman. Someone of authority. I don't know, Zavian. I feel like I know her and trust me I know I don't -- "

She calmed a bit as Zavian started making soothing patterns on her hands.

"Maybe I'm not adjusting to the whole chosen one thing as well as I thought." She chuckled dryly.

"Have you talked to your wolf?"

"No , but I think it's time too. My wolf seems to be the very reason I came here. Might as well talk to her." She looked up at him now, and smiled.

"I don't know, Zavian. Ever since I've seen Avyanna wearing the same mask as mine in the photos that night at the lunar fest.. I've been nervous as hell."

He visibly stiffened and his fingers stopped making patterns on her palm.

"Avyanna!? What do you know about her." He asked, his voice still gentle - but with a slight tremor in it.

"Queen Avyanna. The one who committed suicide. And Aldrich - who died out of pure misery after Avyanna's suicide."

"That what they say about them now?" He said in a dry chuckle.

"Why? Is it not true?" She asked carefully. She felt as if she was hanging by a loose thread discussing about Avyanna and Aldrich.

"No it's not true." He sighed and his eyes found the creek to be the most interesting thing in the world.

Anything to avoid looking at her eyes.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

He exhaled long and hard before turning to look at her fully. His demeanor had changed significantly. He was still the same whilst talking to her, but she felt that there was much much more to him than what was meeting the eye.

"Well for one, Elysia. Queen Avyanna and Aldrich didn't commit suicide."

"What?! But that's what we've been told --"

"They were killed. And what killed them is still free."


A/n :*Casually peeps*


Not proofread for shits. Ahahahah Chile anyways..

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N <3

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