Chapter 21

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Wyatt pov

I called up her family to apprise them about their daughter and it was enough obvious to freak out. I gave her the name of the clinic and the whole family came within few minutes including her sister and her grandma whom I didn't meet yet, besides her grandma was altering distinctively towards me.

I couldn't bear her sight her in this fettle, I have some senility when it comes to her. I wanted to give her relief, but I know it wasn't feasible. She was like a sinless soul when she was sleeping and in her world. If something happens to her, I wouldn't be able to hold on against myself for not saying sorry to her.

She has been laying there for approximately 14 hours. I laid my head beside her suing she recover as the doctor said she was suffering from anemia and stressing herself too much. Stressing herself about what? Why can't she just take care of herself? Her mother brought me food but I didn't feel like eating.

An hour later, I wake up from a minor sleep, I made to find her looking at me. 'Hey, how are you feeling? ' I ask her as she closes her eyes to feel my hand sensation on her face. 'How long have I been lying here' she says. I was so jubilant to see her grey eyes shining again and listening to her voice even though she seems pale and weak.

I ask her for forgiveness when I cuddle myself with her on the tiny gurney. She smells like a little bairn. She plays my hair when she starts to talk in between the rhythm and she started weeping. I onus myself for everything I did to her as I see her in this condition. She doesn't deserve this. I could only cuddle her to let her know I was here and let her remove whatever was hurting her out when suddenly she faints again. I could feel her heart beating slowly and her tears still rolling down her cheeks. Am I responsible for this?

After some minutes, Sofia's mother was back in the hospital. She asked me to go home as she could see the fatigue on my face. I gave Sofia a forehead kiss and left. As I reached home, I head directly to my room without meeting my mother. I doze off for at least 12 hours.


I wake up with a weird feeling as I remember the bad dream I had. It was awful as I remember I was walking with a knife and I was forced to kill Sofia. It was as if I lived the dream in reality but it would be so stupid to believe in the other world.

I made my way to the bathroom when I notice my parents sitting worriedly and devoid in front of the dining table. It wasn't like them to sit like this, as usual, they used to fight or make noise with their matters. 'is everything okay?' I made my way to them as I put my hand on my mother's shoulder. 'Come, sit with us wyatt' my mum says. 

They were looking glum which I began to have goosebumps. 'We are facing a crisis' my dad sigh. 'What...what type of crisis?' I say. 'Last night, a robbery took place in the company, they took almost the most expensive equipment, fortunately, they couldn't get to the cars as they had double security' my dad says. 'But where were the security guards? How could this even happen? Why didn't you call me? I could feel my rage burning my bones.

'Your phone responded off; I went to the police station for a case. I really hope they will be able to help us with the security camera. When I reached there, the guards were injured and had to be transported rapidly to the hospital. According to the police, they were some street vagabonds who broke into, but they were much skilled' my dad says.

I sigh as I couldn't believe a shit about what happened. I try to show my support to them saying we will get over this together.

I was physically here, but mentally absent. I had my way to college, but I couldn't concentrate any longer as I think about the company issues and how we could get over things. I was trying to have a normal day when I recall, the fight I had with max. Since childhood I don't remember having a fight with him and when I distanced myself this much. Maybe he deserves it this time, but I miss him being with me right now as he used to accompany me each time for lunch.

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