Chapter 10

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Wyatt pov...

She was looking so attractive when I saw her in the literature classes. She didn't spot me, so I texted her to bump into the 7th floor as I know there's no security camera on this exceptional floor. I couldn't stop pensive pecking her brim and making her whine for me. I wanted many things more than just to kiss her. As if she was the only thing; I ever desire the most.

A moment later, we made love. I wanted to put my name on each part of her body. She gave me an ingress to touch her. I was fucking hard for her and I wanted her to nuzzle me but I know I had to control myself when suddenly we heard footsteps approaching. Fuck shit she whispers. 'Hey! It's okay, don't worry, we got this' I said to her.

There was fucking no way we could hide thus, we stir lickety-split to a desk whilst I remove my bag from my back as we began to look for something we lost. 'How could you be so irresponsible' I shout at Sophia. 'It's not my fault, you were supposed to know where you keep your things'

'but it was right here'  I snap back to her. 'How would I know' she says. Damn! she responded so positively to the unplanned drama.

'Is there something I can help you with?' We both turned to recognize the familiar voice, which was no one but max looking for me. 'Shit man! You scare us. I thought it was a teacher coming up and we had to put this drama for not getting caught. ' I say while catching my breath. 'What are the two swans doing here anyway? Especially my secret place where Anne and I would come for romance. 'Once your place, now you share the place. I laughed, giving max a high five.

'Ah, boys' dramas!' Sofia rolled her eyes and make her way downstairs when I notice what I did to her neck. A love bite, shit! I said aloud. Sofia's eyes open wide and trying to capture what I said. Are fucking kidding me? Can't you be careful' Sofia says to me.

'Well, how am I supposed to be careful when we were pleasuring ourselves? I didn't have this in mind you have skin sensitivity I snap at her. 'what am I going to do now?' She said worriedly.

Put your hair in the front so that it doesn't seem so appealing. I try to give an idea. 'oh, maybe I'll put some foundations on. She says finally in a cool manner. 'yeah please, that would be great. I leave a breath out. 

Our relationship was quite official, everyone knew we were dating. I even shared the news with the teachers, they were unenthusiastic anyway and glad I found someone like Sofia who matches well my personality.

As I couldn't even bear Sofia far from me in class, I got her and Zoe to shift at the back bench seat. The moment she was close to me, I couldn't stop myself from holding her hand and giving her goosebumps over her body. I could sense how her hormones couldn't allow her to stop smiling the whole class session and as well as mine. I wanted to make love badly to her.

'How about a night out and have dinner together tonight, like a gang night. what say?' max suggests. 'Could be great as its weekend tomorrow' ani added her words. 'I don't mind, we can have fun' Sofia says. Well, as everyone's agreeing on this, I have no choice. 'What's the plan?' I say.

'We can have dinner at Sugar beach hotel as there's a party tonight out there' max responds with excitement. 'Sounds great' ani and I say together. Sofia looks at me as Zoe was sitting silently listening to us. 'Would be great if you come as well, Zoe. It will be fun. Please don't refuse' she says begging like a little child.

'Ugh, I wish but I don't feel like, besides I have plans with my dad' she says coldly as she buries herself in her book and ignores us. I could feel how dumb Sofia felt when she reacted this way. Zoe was showing too much proclivity to Sofia. I wanted to show her the right place she's worth to but I calmed myself as she has some relationship tied to Sofia.

During break sederunt, I managed to get rid of max, ani, and Zoe so I could be alone with Sofia at the backbench of the class where we are barely noticed. As she was laying her head on the table, I laid mine and move closer to her, and planted a kiss on her lips. She gave me full access as if she was yearning for my sensations. I move my hands to her well-shaped boobs and give her a massage making her leave a silent fuss. 'You are beautiful, I love each part of you' I leave a whisper. She smiles and looks at me with her eyes filled with jubilation and enigma. I smile back as I move my body closer against her warm temperature.

Out of a sudden, I felt someone touching my shaft. I turn around rapidly to discern max laughing. 'Oh, someone's hard' he teased. 'what the fuck man, are you fucking kidding me I try to hide my face with guilt that he found out how fragile I was when it comes to sex. 'Damn, Sofia maybe you should try staying away from him during class hours so as he doesn't end up doing some porn scenes here'

'Hahaha, very funny' I laugh sarcastically when I heed Sofia being comfortable as well and chortling at my moment. 'seriously, you're with them now. You are supposed to be at my side. 'well, I am baby love' she laughs and gave me a quick hug. And again, Zoe quietly took her seat while everyone was cheering up. What the hell is wrong with this girl!

After school, Sofia hops in my car for a ride. we went to the mall to eat and did some shopping for tonight as however, she didn't have anything to wear. Girls! She first picked up a seducing red dress to which I completely disagreed with the idea even though she would be with me. She finally picked a green dress which was sort of winsome although it was a little dwarf.

It was mostly our daily habits now, to go out after school and to have on each other's turn to bring our cars to school as I think it was a good idea, to make some savings as well. We had our moment until I drop her home, leaving me a quick kiss. ' I will pick you up at 6 o'clock babe' I say at her. 'Yeah, I'll let you when am ready' she says rolling her eyes at me. On my way home I couldn't stop thinking about how she fits me to a tee that I end up telling my mother about her.

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