RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6 Chapter 12 (Finale)

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Lace POV

Emily: So, what's the plan?

Krystal: We're on our way to Shade.

Emily: Well I mean we're practically there.

Jasper, Krystal, Lace: WHAT?!

Emily flinched and pointed behind us. We all looked back to see Shade Academy in the distance.

Krystal: Jasper I thought you came from Vacuo.

Jasper: It's...been a while.

Lace: Well what are we waiting for! Let's go!

I grabbed Emily's hand and ran towards the school, with Jasper and Krystal following behind. We walked up to the gates, still quite shocked at how beautiful the school grounds were. Suddenly the gate opened and a bunch of Hunstman were all pointing their weapons at us. We all flinched and reached for our weapons, but Krystal stopped us. She walked up to the gates and pulled out her Huntress license.

Krystal: I'm a Huntress. We mean no harm, we're only here to help.

One of the Huntsman yelled out.

Huntsman: We don't need your help! Buzz off!

Krystal: I'm sure you guys have heard of what happened to Beacon and Haven! We predict it may happen here too!

Huntsman: We're fully capable of protecting our school and its people! And plus, what kind of Huntress walks around with a murderer by her side?!

He gestured to Jasper, who put her head down.

Jasper: I...I'm sorry...I've changed my ways I-

One of the Hunstman fired a shot at Jasper, which Krystal quickly blocked, damaging her aura a bit.

Emily: We are on your side! We're just here to provide extra protection incase the White Fang attacks again!

Hunstman: We do not need your help! Leave now or be punished!

We all stared in anger and confusion.

Krystal: Fine...Come on guys.

Krystal walked away, with us hesitantly following. The gates were shut, and everyone went silent. I heard crying, and looked up to see Jasper in tears. I reached for her but she turned the other way and stormed off.

Krystal: Jasper wait!

Krystal ran after her, leaving me and Emily alone. I sat down and put my head down. Emily knelt down in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

Emily: I'm sorry things went this way. But we'll figure something out. We always do.

She cupped my cheeks and smiled. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

Emily: I'm not letting go until you start smiling.

I giggled, making her smile. She kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair, making me blush a crimson color.

Krystal POV

Krystal: Jasper please stop.

She kept walking away, tears hitting the grass. I sped up and grabbed her shoulder, making her stop. But she didn't turn around.

Jasper: If I wasn't here with you, they would've let you through. I'm sorry for making things so difficult...

Krystal: Hey, it's not your fault. Whatever the reason for them not letting us in I don't know. But it's not because of you. Look at me.

Jasper looked at me, tears falling down her cheeks.

Jasper: I can't stay here...

Krystal: What do you mean? Of course you can.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now