RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6: Chapter 11

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Lace POV

Lace: Emily's coming back!!

Krystal smiled brightly and gasped, but Jasper tilted her head in confusion.

Jasper: Who?

Krystal: Lace's giiirrlfriend.

Krystal said while smirking, making me blush.

Lace: Shut up! Love is natural!

They both laughed at me.

Jasper: Which is why it shouldn't be embarrassing to you.

Krystal: *through giggles* Okay back to the point. What changed her mind?

Lace: Well she said she gave it some thought, and she knows that she has a sister to look after, but she can't give up being a Huntress just like that. And it's the least she can do after Beacon...

I noticed a bit of sorrow in my voice on that last sentence. That night still traumatizes me.


I struck down a Beowulf and leaned against a wall to stop myself from falling over from exhaustion. I saw Emily swiftly take down a Creep charging straight for her. But I noticed she was...trembling?

I saw a girl in the distance, about to be attacked by a Creep sneaking up behind her. I began to run towards her, until I suddenly was knocked on my stomach and a Griffon landed on me, knocking the breath out of me. It grabbed my left arm with its claw and twisted it backwards, causing a loud snap. I screamed in pain and tried to get up. I looked up and saw Emily rush the Griffon and stabbed it. Wherever she stabbed, it killed the beast instantly and it disintegrated. I sat up and held my broken forearm, tears falling down my cheeks from the pain. Emily ran to my side and gently laid her hand on my arm, using some of her aura to ease the pain.

Emily: I-I can't fix broken bones but I can make the pain go away.

The pain quickly went away and I slowly stood up, still holding my arm. Emily stood up to and we both heard a loud roar. We looked ahead and saw a Nevermore and a bunch of Ursai attacking a group of students. We saw the Nevermore stab its beak through one of the students throats, killing them. Emily gasped and put her hands over her mouth.

Emily: I...

I looked at her.

Lace: Emily we can't stay here! We have to go find f/n and Bella! Come on!

Emily: ...I can't do this...

Lace: Emily yes you can! Come on!

Emily shook her head no and tears fell from her cheeks. I quickly laid a hand on her cheek, making her look at me.

Lace: You can do this. We have to find the others and help them.

Emily gently pushed me away, backing up and holding her arms beneath her chest. I stared in shock, wishing she would snap out of it.

Lace: Emily please, we have to go.

Emily: *through tears* I'm...I'm so sorry...

Emily picked her sword up and ran the opposite direction, causing my heart to shatter.


I tried to hold my tears back and turned the other way.

Lace: I'm sorry I just...bad memories...

My tail slowly dropped down, but I felt Krystal lay her hand on my shoulder. I turned around and she pulled me into a hug. I gasped but quickly leaned into it, still trying not to cry.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now