RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6: Chapter 3

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So this chapter is going to take place after Jinn tells the backstory of Oz and Salem. Mostly because the way the video playing is it would take hours to write the backstory. So here we go!

Ozpin: How do I destroy Salem?

Jinn: You can't.

Those words hit you like a truck. Suddenly Jinn disappeared and the world went back to normal. Dread was in the air as those final words played through everyone's head.

Yang: Salem can't be killed. You all heard her too right?

Oscar looked at everyone with tears in his eyes.

Ozpin: I-

Yang: There was so much you hadn't told us!

Timber: How the hell could you think that was okay?!

Oscar looked back down.

Ruby: Professor.

Oscar hesitantly looked at Ruby.

Ruby: What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I...don't have one.

This angered you and you clenched your fists. You turned to face Oscar and quickly sent a kick to his chest, making him fly into a tree. Everyone looked at you in shock.

You: You're telling me that we're fighting for no reason?

Oscar looked down.

You: You're telling me my little sister died for nothing?!

Oscar looked at you.

Ozpin: That's not what I-

Qrow: Nobody wanted me. I was cursed. I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good.

Ozpin: But you are!

Qrow: Meeting you, was the worst luck of my life.

Tears fell down Oscars cheek.

Ozpin: Maybe you're right.

Oscars eyes flickered and he quickly put a hand over his chest where you had kicked him and grunted.

Ruby: What happened?

Oscar: He's...gone.

Yang: That bastard! Tell him we aren't done yet!

Oscar: No! This is different! He's gone! It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head! Our head?

Oscar grunted in confusion and grabbed his head.

Oscar: I hate this I want it to stop!

Timber: He just left us?!

Blake: What are we gonna do now?

You growled.

Maria: Enough! We need to get a move on!

You glared at her and she glared back.

Maria: Calm down. You've already let your anger out, so you better calm down before you do something you regret.

You scoffed and looked away.

Maria: It'll be dark before we know it and everyone of you is spewing negativity.

You: Who cares?! With that relic we're constantly attracting grimm.

You started to walk towards her but Timber put his arm up and glared at you, intimidating you a little bit. You backed up. Maria used her staff to help Oscar up. She pointed behind her.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now