11: Meeting

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° CHAPTER 11: Meeting °

Bound to another,
By things unknown.
Try not to decipher.
For even the wise stood far.

The moment she had been longing for finally arrived.

As she watched Matthew napping and amusing herself by tickling his nose and ears, her family arrived.

It did not occur to her that she was somehow able to touch him now, to tickle him.

Tony was first to enter, slowly like he knew Matthew was there.

"Matt? Matt, wake up." Tony shook him lightly.

Hazel wanted to hug her brother, tell him it is all going to be fine. She felt so much pain watching the exchange and not being able to talk or touch them. She found tears falling down her cheeks and she soon sobbed.

Her parents were now audible in the hallway, "Tony, Matt is a heavy sleeper. Pull at a strand of his hair." She laughed through tears.

Tony froze, then looked around. "Haze?" He began getting frantic..."Hazel?" His eyes teared up.

Hazel stood up quickly, "Pull the strand, Tony." She wanted to see if he can hear him.

Tony looked at Matthew hesitantly, wiping his eyes.

"He won't know you did it, I promise." She pushed on.

Tony looked for a lone strand and he tucked at it perhaps too harshly, the hair was now between his fingers.

Matthew did wake up alright, "Ohhh, ouch."

Tony laughed lightly at what he just did.

Same time, Matthew woke up with a gasp. He looked at Hazel wearily before raising his eyes to the presence next to him. Could he see her? Why did he just look at her like that? She wondered.

Tony discarded the strand at his feet before, "Matt, hi. How long have you been here?" He could not hide his nervousness. Then he realized what just happened, he listened to Hazel's voice in his head.

"A couple of hours? I'm not sure." Matthew stood lazily and took his phone and keys from the chair. He observed Tony.

"What's wrong?" He asked Tony who looked confused.

"I-I heard her voice. Sh-she told me how to wake you up." Tony laughed nervously, "I'm losing my mind."

Matthew yawned, "We all are. I could have sworn I saw her this morning on my roof top. Then I was talking to myself all the way here imagining her response. And when I got here, in my mind, she kept replying to me...like we were talking." Matthew could not help but confess with his eyebrows furrowed.

Tony looked around, "Hazel?"

Hazel was about to answer, wondering if this is really happening but Matthew laughed, "We are just tired and I'm sure we have just planted her in our subconscious. It's a survival technique." He patted Tony on the shoulder.

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