6. And so it begins

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Lost is not a life willing.
Living is not a life forced.
Live like your death date is set.
Die with a smile,
Set across your beautiful face.

The doctors rushed Hazel for a brain scan, then took her to God knows where. Her family wasn't allowed behind the big grey doors. Everyone had their fingers crossed but no amount of anxiety could match what Matthew felt.

He sighed and looked through the small glass of the doors, down the empty hallway. He imagined all surgery scenarios from the movies he's watched. The doctors crowding her body, dressed in blue gowns and gloves. Working in synchronisation with one another, trying to patch up their patient. His thoughts were getting darker and darker and sweat formed on his forehead, luckily he felt a tap on his shoulder...it was Carol offering coffee.

Tony was standing, hands in pockets and eyes to the ceiling, silently begging God to keep his sister alive. He asked him what it is that his sister had done to anger him or anyone, she was the sweetest sister after all and everyone loved her. They couldn't help but love her, she was funny and smart, and she always knew how to restore peace. He asked God to please bring his best friend back to him and they will go home and play board games or have a karaoke night and bother no one.

Michael was sitting, head in his palms. He wondered what exactly was to happen. Should he just cry and let his daughter go? Or should he stay optimistic and prepare for ways he's going to spoil her when she wakes up? All of this was putting a strain on him. When he lost his wife for being an idiot, his parents were there for him. When he lost his father to death, his mother and children were there for him. Now, there's no way he can ask for such support in a situation where everyone is hurting and scared. He had to support them, like he supported his wife when she was pregnant...no, no that's a horrible comparison. But he understands where he's trying to get to.

Caroline was nowhere in sight. Right after the bed was rolled out of the room, she strode away from the others. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't do it in front of Tony because it would upset him. Her son only had positive thoughts about his sister's health and crying in front of him would result in anger from him. She sat outside in the chilly night and cried, wailed and shouted, it was like a ghost town at that time. After she lost her energy from kicking and flailing around, she went inside to wash her face and get a cup of coffee. She gulped it down like a glass of water then looked around for something to help her carry coffee to the others.
She found a tray on the reception desk and she removed the contents from it.

Coffee was nice and short lived. It killed Matthew that Hazel wasn't here to be the hospital coffee critic. She would go into detail about coffee beans and other things. This made Matthew smile a little and that caused him to check if anyone saw his personal moment. When he turned his head, he found Tony sleeping on Mike's lap and Carol leaning on his shoulder. Mike's head was leaning on the wall and all their eyes were closed.

Just then, he remembered that he promised his parents to call but it was already after 3am so he was hesitant.

He sat down and took a nap too.



"I don't have much to give you, but your daughter...she's not doing good. Her brain activity keeps declining and we might have to put her on life support." Hazel's doctor, Anastasia, was frowning.

Dora The Traveller ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن