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So just a forewarning this chapter will be bouncing around a lot so just be aware ! As always, thank you for reading and enjoy ! Sorry for this update taking so long by the way ! I promise I'll try and update sooner ! 


Thunderstar's optics slowly came online. She panicked as she saw she was in a cage, she beat on the bars but still it didn't budge, she was trapped. The last thing she remembered was watching Breakdown offline then she was injected with something by Dreadwing. Thunderstar heard two pairs of footsteps and sat back down knowing there wasn't much she could do stuck in a cage. 

"Have a nice nap ?" Thunderstar growled as she saw Airachnid and a mech with black armor standing before her. Thunderstar didn't recognize the mech standing before her, she had never seen him. The mech seemed to realize this and laughed at Thunderstar's confusion. 

"The name's Makeshift. You must be the infamous Thunderstar," Thunderstar remembered reading a file with Soundwave, it was about how Makeshift has failed Megatron then tried to assassinate him with Starscream. Makeshift was going to be killed for his crimes but he escaped before Megatron could apprehend him. Makeshift was the perfect person to be Airachnid's partner. Thunderstar tried charging up her energy but nothing was happening, all she got was laughter from Airachnid and Makeshift. 

"Oh sweetspark you didn't think we were stupid enough to leave you with your energy do you ?" Airachnid wrapped her arms around Makeshift's neck and kissed the side of his faceplate. "We drained you until you had nothing left, you're completely powerless now !" Airachnid sat down on the ground in front of Thunderstar's cage and smirked. 

"The plan is simple really...You're our bait, Megatron will come for you and when he does we'll have the jump on him ! We're going to kill him then we'll kill you. Oh isn't it perfect ?" Airachnid stood up and started to leave the large room in the cave. 

"Fuck you !" Thunderstar spat but she quickly regretted it after getting another needle in her neck, she felt the fatigue and fell back against the floor of the cage. 

"Come with me Makeshift. We've got work to do..She won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Thunderstar watched the two leave the large room of the cave and felt herself falling into recharge again. Before she was forced into recharge she reached out for help, hoping her cry could be heard. 

Wheeljack was in a very happy kind of state, yesterday he got to spend the whole day with Thunderstar who was acting just like the old Crimson he use to know. He loved the idea of being around her and spending time with her and possibly getting her to come back to the Autobots. He knew it was a long shot but it was worth a try, after yesterday he felt like maybe all the wrong he had done in the past was now gone. 

Wheeljack came into the main hangar of the base and stood next to Ratchet. Wheeljack was bored and had nothing better to do so he decided on watching Ratchet work on the formula for synthetic energon. Optimus and the other's had gone to the energon mine Wheeljack found yesterday to secure the mine and take the much needed energon. 

"Wheeljack could you get me a empty glass container from the cabinet in the med-bay ?" Ratchet asked but didn't stop working on whatever he was doing. He just held out his right hand waiting for the container. Wheeljack rolled his optics and walked to the med-bay to grab the container for Ratchet. 

"Jackie..Find..Megatron..I've been..tricked.." Wheeljack dropped the glass container as he felt a short sting of pain and heard a set of coordinates. He couldn't understand what had just happened, all he knew was that he was in trouble with Ratchet for dropping and breaking the container. 

Burn (A transformers prime fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora