Half Truth, Half Lies.

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Rocks fell from the top of the cave and landed on Crimson, she ran out of the cave before any bigger rocks could fall and impale her. She didn’t bother fetching her motorcycle on her way out, she ran past the two Decepticon’s but didn’t get very far. Knockout chuckled as Breakdown grabbed the girl and held her in his hand, the two could see the girl was terrified of them which only added to their humor. 

“L-Let me go !” Crimson struggled against Breakdown’s grip but still remained trapped, Crimson felt her fear wash over her as Breakdown’s grip tightened and she gasped for breath. 

“You glitch don’t squeeze her like that ! You’ll kill her !” Breakdown rolled his optics and held the girl up to his optic level, laughing as she froze in place. Knockout wiped off his paint and listened to his partner do his best to scare the human girl even more. 

“First we’re going to take you to Lord Megatron then Knockout here get’s to experiment on you.” Knockout gasped as he was punched in the back and knocked onto his hands and knee’s. Knockout got up and stood behind Breakdown as Bulkhead clenched his hands into tight fists. 

“Give me the girl Breakdown,” Breakdown and Knockout turned around to leave only to have Arcee and Bumblebee’s weapons aimed at them. “No way, let her go.” Arcee was angry yet had a worried tone in her voice, a tone Crimson rarely heard from the femme. Breakdown groaned as Knockout nudged Breakdown’s arm, Breakdown looked behind Bulkhead and saw Optimus Prime coming their way. 

“Breakdown we’re a tad bit out numbered here,” Knockout backed away from the Autobot’s and waited for Breakdown. Bulkhead held out his hand, Breakdown laughed at the gesture and looked down at the small human in his hand. He knew why she was so special to Megatron and the Autobot’s but, like always, Breakdown wanted to have some fun.

“You want her ? Then you can catch her.” Breakdown brought his arm down then pushed it back up in the air sending Crimson flying above them. Instantly she covered her face, Bulkhead roared in anger and started fighting Breakdown. Optimus spotted Crimson and managed to swiftly catch her in his large hand, he pressed her smaller body against his chest as he landed back on the ground. 

Breakdown and Knockout were now gone, Crimson was still covering her face, her heart couldn’t slow down. Optimus sent word for a ground bridge and quietly carried the girl through the ground bridge. Once inside the base Optimus held his hand out to Ratchet, Crimson wasted no time and jumped into his hand. 

She pressed her knee’s to her chest and laid her head on the top of her knee’s, Crimson kept apologizing to Ratchet for leaving base in the first place. Ratchet held her next to his chest, all of his anger for her leaving base fading away as he saw the fear in her eyes. 

“Ratchet I-..They…I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll never leave again. I promise.” Crimson looked up at Ratchet with fearful eyes, Ratchet gave her a warm smile and continued holding her next to his chest. Crimson took a few deep breath’s to try and calm down. 

“Ratchet I-..I didn’t think…How did they even find me ?” Optimus gave Ratchet a concerning look, Ratchet shook his helm as he set Crimson down onto the balcony. She slid her hand away from Ratchet’s and quietly walked to her bedroom, Ratchet turned to look at Optimus as soon as she was in her bedroom. 

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