Visions of a Monster

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“Mmm. My sweet weapon came back to me”

“I came back to save my friends you glitch !” Thunderstar attempted moving but Soundwave’s tentacles were holding her down, she had no energy left in her, she was close to losing the fight. Thunderstar yelled and tried getting away from the silent mech but his grip only tightened.

“You mean them ?” Megatron stepped to the side and laughed. Ratchet, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Arcee, they were all laying on the ground, offline. Energon stained their bodies and the ground they laid on, Thunderstar’s spark ached the more she looked at the image before her.

“Where is he ? Where’s Optimus ?!” Thunderstar was fighting tears as she screamed at Megatron, she felt nothing but pain and agony but she had to push through it. Thunderstar gasped as she saw Optimus laying on the ground not far from her, he wasn’t offline but he was pretty fragging close.

Megatron shook his helm as his sword seeped deep down into Optimus’s spark chamber. He made the Prime groan as his spark was pulled out and thrown on the ground in front of Thunderstar. “You never should’ve left me,” Megatron swiftly swung his blade, killing the femme.


Thunderstar shot up from the berth, she took a deep breath before laying back against the bed and attempting to calm herself down. Thunderstar had been having the same kind of dreams for the past month that she had been here at the Autobot base. Every other night she would dream about losing someone or losing herself.

Thunderstar quietly left her berthroom so she wouldn’t wake up Shadowlynx, the Cyberwolf never liked being without her but with all the training he’s been doing he needed the rest. Thunderstar made her way into the main hangar of the base to get some peace and quiet and relax. She needed to wake up so she could stop thinking about the nightmares.

“Have another bad dream ?” Thunderstar dropped the glass of energon and it shattered against the ground. Thunderstar sighed in relief as she saw it was just Ratchet but immediately started picking up the glass.

“Relax, I’ve got it.” Ratchet made the femme sit down on the medical berth while he cleaned up the energon. Ratchet could see the effects of nightmares on Thunderstar’s face, it looked like it’d been weeks since she got any sleep. Ratchet hooked Thunderstar up to check her vitals, which only aggravated the femme.

“I’m fine..Just tired”

“And you don’t seem to realize how hard you’ve been pushing yourself. You train three times a day with Shadow then you go out and search for Decepticons and you’ve been looking for Airachnid.” Ratchet lifted the girl’s helm to look her in the optics.

“I don’t try to be annoying or rude, I just want to make sure that you are okay. You don’t understand what damage you can do to your body and mind. Now please, relax.” Thunderstar nodded and let the medic run a full test over her, she had forgotten how much Ratchet cared about her wellbeing. It was something she missed, he always did treat her like one of his own, he’d raised her well and taught her so many things.

“Do you care to talk about the nightmares ?” Thunderstar’s spark sank. If she brought up her nightmares she would be questioned on why she thought about Megatron so much. She was trying to forget the warlord and move on but it hurt her more than she liked to fully admit. Thunderstar just shook her helm and looked back down at the ground.

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