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Megatron roared in anger as they walked through their ground bridge back onto the Nemesis, he was so close yet so far from getting what he needed to win this futile war. Megatron grabbed Airachnid’s arm and Starscream’s wing and pulled them down onto the ground in front of him, his anger was directed to the two who failed to follow his orders. 

“You both have failed me ! You were suppose to capture the techno-organic and come back to the Nemesis ! I spoke nothing of killing a Autobot !”

“My liege he was so vulnerable ! I took to attacking him in hopes of killing him and bringing you his body,” Airachnid said in her soft mono tone voice. Megatron wrapped his hand around her neck and lifted her off the ground. 

“If you want to bring me something, bring me the techno-organic. Not a scout I’ve already made a fool of.” Megatron threw Airachnid on the ground and turned back to Soundwave. Starscream slowly rose to his pede’s and snickered at Airachnid as he walked past her and out into the hallways of the Nemesis. 

He walked to the ship’s recreation room to get himself a ration of energon, he laughed to himself as Airachnid came into the room behind him. Starscream sat at a table in the back by himself, Airachnid sat beside him and pulled a datapad from her subspace compartment. She pointed to a energy signature in a small town where they once found the human children. 

“It’s Autobot, I believe it’s Wheeljack. If so we may be able to use him for valuable information to gain Lord Megatron’s trust again”

“Why would we capture him ? He’s just another Autobot ! Megatron wouldn’t be delighted he’d be angered !” Airachnid growled at Starscream and put away her datapad. 

“Starscream. You want to remain being Second in command to Megatron ?” Starscream sighed and followed Airachnid out of the recreation room and up to the top deck of the ship. She transformed and waited for Starscream to follow behind her, although he wasn’t happy about this plan he transformed and flew behind Airachnid. 


Wheeljack drove to Jasper, the whole night he spent inside a cave reminding himself of Eric and Beatrice, the memories they shared. The longer he thought about them the more he hated himself for leaving Crimson yet again, he hated how much he hurt her just by not staying. Wheeljack drove by Jack’s work place and stopped as the boy smiled and waved for him to stop. Wheeljack unlocked his doors, internally smiling as Jack climbed in the drivers seat. 

“Didn’t realize I was getting picked up, I thought Arcee had scouting to do”

“Let’s just say I was in the neighborhood,” Wheeljack sped up as he left the town behind them. Jack heavily sighed and looked out the windshield as he asked Wheeljack the most important of questions. “Why did you leave ?” Wheeljack slowed down as the question ran through his processor but sped up as he answered Jack’s question. 

“Look kid, the whole thing with Eric and Beatrice..I blame myself, always have. Sure it’s not what a Wrecker would do but…All you need to know is…Hold on.” Wheeljack made a sharp U-turn as he saw the jet and helicopter following him. 

He wanted to fight them but knew he shouldn’t since he had Jack with him, he sent word for a ground bridge and continued driving as Starscream began shooting at him. Jack was in the car watching out the back window as Airachnid transformed and started running after him, Wheeljack sped back up to, hopefully, lose her. She shot her webs at him but before they could hit his alt mode he swiftly slid into the ground bridge. 

Burn (A transformers prime fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz