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Thunderstar slowly woke up and was welcomed into a large room by a bright light, the light faded and Thunderstar took a deep breath as she recognized the room she was in. Thunderstar climbed off the berth and walked around the room, she couldn’t believe it. She was in the same room that her mother and father use to share, everything from the large berth to the balcony towering over Kaon were the same. Thunderstar walked over to the balcony and closed her optics and let memories flow through her processor.

“Look at glowing daughter,” Thunderstar spun around and felt like breaking down as she saw Nightstar warmly smiling at her. Thunderstar walked over to the short femme and looked questioningly at her mother, she couldn’t tell if this was real or not. Thunderstar let out a silent sob as she ran her hand down her mothers faceplate.

“I’m here sweetspark. I’ve been here all along. I’ve been watching over you since the day you entered your Cybertronian form,” Nightstar said sweetly. Nightstar lifted her daughters helm and wiped what tears she could, it killed her that she could only speak and touch her daughter in a dreamstate but it was the price she paid for not speaking her mind.

“We don’t have much time and I know there are things we both want to say but you are my love and your words will mean much more..Ask what you will and I won’t lie to you.” Nightstar already had a strong feeling of what she knew her daughter was going to ask her but still she insisted on letting Thunderstar know that no matter what she asked everything would be okay.

“D-..Did you even love him ?” Thunderstar looked up at her mother with hurt optics and felt more tears slip down her face and  fall to the ground. Nightstar looked at her daughter and smiled as she remembered everything that she and Stormblazer had talked about doing with their daughter.

“When I was your age I was put into the war as a spy for the Autobot army, my task was simple, be with Stormblazer and watch his every move, I was given a six month timetable to be with him and report back to Sentinel Prime when I could.” Nightstar heavily sighed as she remembered telling her commanding officer, her father, that she was in love with someone from the opposite faction.

“After just three short months with Stormblazer I realized I had fallen in love with him..I didn’t want to go back, in fact I dreaded the mere thought of being without him. Time and time again I’d hurt others I knew just to keep your father safe. After five months I gave up and bonded with him.” Thunderstar couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Your father will always be the only mech I love and you and brother’s are our miracles..Thunderstar my sweetspark do not make the same mistake I did and hide the way you feel. I didn’t tell your father that I left the Autobots to be with him, I didn’t tell him that he was my first and only love.” The emotional pain showed on Nightstar’s face, Thunderstar was now holding her mother.

“Make sure you tell him..Tell him how you feel, don’t hide away like I did. Go but remember I am always with you love.” Nightstar hugged her daughter and in a flash all turned to a bright flash.


Thunderstar shot up from the berth, gasping for air, her faceplate was stained with tears but she could see Knockout was next to her the entire time. Thunderstar saw she was alone in the room with the medic and within seconds her arms were around his neck. Visions of watching Breakdown’s last breath, Wheeljack saving her from being killed, her brother and Megatron escaping.

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