Chapter 4: Thief

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"So, how did you think the movie was," Timothy asked me. 

"It was confusing," I replied. "I might have to watch Tenet again when it comes out on the market. But don't get me wrong, the movie about Time Inversion and the scenes were mind-blowing."

"Christopher Nolan does it again," Timothy remarked. 

As we were exiting the cinema we noticed that the sun was setting, the day was almost over. We both got in the car and buckled up.

"I guess the day is over," I said.

"Well, I do have a bit of time left before I have to go home," Timothy looked at his watch.

"Do you wanna maybe head back to my house," I asked him.


I turn on the headlights on my car exit the parking lot. The car ride back to my place was quiet; I guess we were both tired; I noticed Timothy's eyes get a bit dropping in the rearview mirror. Him trying to stay awake was the cutest and funniest thing. Finally, after a bit, I got to my driveway, where I parked my car.

"Timothy," I said, trying to see if he was still awake.

"Mmm," he mumbled.

"We're here," I said.

"Oh, okay," then we both got out of the car.

As I put my key into the door slot and opened it to enter, I turned on the lights. There were things in the hallway that I forgot to put away. Anyway, we both made out way to the couches, where he sat down and looked around the place.

"So this is your house," Timothy said.

"Yep, sorry about the mess; I usually don't invite people here that often," I said, trying to clean up space. 

"It's fine," he said.

"You're an office worker, right?" I asked.

*he nods*

"I bet you have a lot of money, live in a much spacious house," I said.

"Well, if they pay me 1 million dollars a year," Timothy joked around. "My pay isn't as much as it seems, and also, I live in an apartment, so my place isn't as spacious as it seems."

"Oh, sorry, I assumed," I said.

"*chuckles* It's fine," Timothy said.

As I finished cleaning up, I set my jacket down on the counter.

"Timothy, I want to show you something," I asked him.

"Where are we going," he asked.

"We're going to my porch," I said, and I grabbed his hand. 

As I opened up the back door to go outside, we went over to the railing and sat on the concrete. Our legs dangling over the ledge. Timothy was in awe, the city lights in the sun setting in the background.

"Wow," is all he could say.

"You like it," I asked.

"I love it," Timothy said, which made me smile.

"Yeah, this might be the only good thing about this house," I said.

As the tip sun disappeared, the nights and stars began to form in the sky, the light's breeze began to hit against our skin. It felt nice and relaxing. Timothy turned to me; I swear that smile is going to be the death of me.

"What is it," I asked.

"Nothing," Timothy just continued to smile. 

We continued to stare at each other like we were playing a staring contest. Not noticing that our hands intertwined with each other. 

"Oh, sorry," Timothy tried to let go.

"Don't let go," I whispered to him.

Timothy smiled, and we book looked back at the city. The sight of the city at night was beautiful; you could really see the colors pop. 


"Yeah," I said.

"Today was fun," he said.

I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"You know, when I first saw you on the Bus, I thought~

"Yeah," I said, leaning my head up. 

"I thought I would never get to talk to you," Timothy said. "I felt like a stalker just staring at you 2 seats in front of me."

His hand then went around my head. His forehead bumping with mine.

"You're cute," he said.


"You're cute too," I replied.

Finally, when we looked at each other for one final time. All I could stare at it was his eyes. I got lost in them; anyone would. My arms wrap around his neck, still laser focus on him. Then my eyes looked down to his lips. I wanted his lips on mine. I wanted it. Our faces were closing the distance between us. So close, until I felt our lips connect. They felt so soothing, a pillow to my lips. Both my hands were placed on his face bringing him closer to me. We kissed for a good 5 minutes until we both chuckled.

"Come on," I said to him, bringing him to the bedroom.

Immidielty when we entered the room, Timothy pinned me against the wall and kissed me once again. 

"We can still have fun at night," he winked.

"*giggle* Well, what do you have in mind, baby," I replied. 

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