Chapter 11: Text Message

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It's weird not being in your house and watching someones else's. I woke up to my alarm and got ready for work. In Lisa's pantry was a box of coffee and boxes and boxes of cereal. 

"Seriously, not even some Barella Pasta," I said.

But anyway, I took a cereal box out and put it in a bowl. The coffee box, I took on a cup and put it in her brewer. My breakfast today was just coffee and cereal.

"Is this what Lisa eats every morning," I thought to myself.

It better not be. But after I finished breakfast, I exited her house and walked over to the bus stop, waiting. When the bus came, I sat in my usual spot, and the vehicle took off. During the ride, I took out my phone and pressed my google app to see what was going in the world.


Yeah, too scary. I don't watch the news, and one more reason that I don't. As I was riding, the bus stopped at Lisa's stop, where I would usually look out the window like a creep and stare at her. But I knew she wasn't coming, but this feeling inside felt like she was about to come on board and sit 2 seats ahead of me. I just sighed once the bus driver closed the door and moved on to the next stop. 


When I got to my desk, I set my bag and down and got everything I needed to start the day. 

"Timothy," a feminine voice said behind me.

"Oh Yeri, good morning," I said.

"Morning," Yeri replied.

What she had in her hand was a huge folder stack that later she handed to me. 

"The boss wants these done by the end of the day," Yeri said.

"T~That's a lot of work that usual," I said.

"Well, it's summertime, stocks going up, and more brands will want to expand, just like that new cafe that opened up in Youngrowe. We are in charge of the licensing and lease of the place," Yeri explained.

I opened up the folder and saw more companies needing to be approved, a paint job that has to be done for a new building, and more schools built around the city that needs a landscape location. My mind wanted to just through these papers across the room, but I didn't want to make a scene.

"Okay, I will try to get these done by the end of the day," I said.

"Okay, have a good day Timothy," she said and walked away.

"You too, Yeri," now it was back to the desk.


After I finished the final task, I laid my head back in my chair. My head feeling drowsy and my eyes droopy, I almost fell back in my chair. 

DEAR TIMOTHY: THE BOOK // LiskookWhere stories live. Discover now