A Night In The Woods Part 1

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The heroes were woken up by Chris blowing his air horn. He went into the spa hotel and blew his air horn waking the villains up.

Once everyone showered and were dressed they all were outside waiting for Chris.

"Where the hell is Chris?" Heather asked while crossing his arms.

Just then Chris appeared, his cheeks were very red and he looked like he was about to fire an intern. Chef was walking right by him, he had both his hands covering his mouth and his face was bright red.

Confessional- Chef
"HAHAHAH!!! I can't believe he's wearing the dress!!! HAHAHA!! It's too big too!!! It fell 6 times!!!!"

Once Chris was in front of the campers Chef broke out laughing. Chef was laughing so hard he fell to ground. Everyone else broke out laughing too. Some either fell to the ground laughing or had to lean on another camper for support. Topher was the only one that wasn't laughing, instead he was studying the dress.

Confessional- Topher
"Chris really has the legs for a dress. I think he makes it work."

The campers were laughing so hard they started crying. Chris got irritated and blew his air horn again getting everyone's attention.

The campers and Chef got up and calmed themselves down.

"Alright, now that that's taken care of. You're challenge today is to go out to the forest and the spend the night there. First team who makes it back to the campfire pit tomorrow morning wins!" Chris explained.

Confessional- Bridgette
"Last time I set the tent on FIRE! That was so embarrassing."

Confessional- Izzy
"Time to bust out the bear costume!!!! This is going to be fun! I'm going to be like 'rawr! I'm a bear!' And they're going to be like 'oh no help us! Ahhh!'"

Confessional- Shawn
"I'M NOT SPENDING ALL NIGHT IN THE WOODS! A zombie could come and get me in my sleep! Or could eat some other campers brain! I need to keep watch incase the zombie apocalypse happens."

"What are you waiting on?!? Go!!!" Chris shouted but no one ran off to the forest.

"What if we get injured or bite by something poisonous?" Sky asked, making Chris let out a big irritated sigh.

"Where's Scott?" Dawn asked, Chris sighed ever louder again.

Just then Scott was dropped from a helicopter. He was about to fall on some of the heroes till they all moved out of the way, Tyler didn't notice. Scott landed right on Tyler.

"Haha, thanks for breaking my fall." Scott said while getting off Tyler and reuniting with the other villains.

"Noah! Are you okay! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Lindsay shouted towards Tyler. He hurried up and got up and dusted himself off.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm all good! In case you haven't noticed, I'm indestructible!" Tyler exclaimed while showing off his biceps. Chef just rolled his eyes.

Confessional- Chef
"That's just sad. His own girlfriend doesn't even remember his name."

Confessional- Noah
"They clearly are meant for each other."

"Does it look like I care if you die-" Chris was saying but got interrupted.

"In that dress, yeah, it does." Scott interrupted making Chris turn red. Chef started laughing again.

"That's it! Go!!!! You might die in the woods, but I'm cool with that!" Chris shouted as he blew his air horn. Both teams started running off into the forest as fast as they could.

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