The bet (felix)

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His pov

*1 year ago*

Thank god she Got up.  We were playing truth and dare and she was driving me around the bent. Oscar knew I hate her so much. When He spun the bottle it pointed at me. "Truth or dare Felix " He asked

"Dare" I replied

"Well then go to the kitchen and tell (y/n) you like her.  Ask her to be your girlfriend and Let's See how long you can sustain on this relationship.  And ofcuz If you survive more than 6 months I will pay you 1000 dollars" Oscar said

Well as I love challenging my self I agreed to this bet.

I went to the kitchen and saw her drinking some juice.

"Hey (y/n) " I said

"Oh Hey Felix, erm do you need anything?" She asked me with a smile , totally trying to flirt with me * pukes*

"No, erm actually I need to tell you something " I said stuttering

"Well What is it? " she asked

"Erm (y/n) I -I " I was stuttering so much gosh.

"You What? " she asked looking at me confused

" I like you and I wanted to ask will you be my girlfriend " I trailed off real quick.

"OMG What ? " she asked blushing

"Will you be my girlfriend " I asked Faking a smile.

She nodded her head shyly.

I pulled her into a hug and Told her I will meet her tmr for our "date" Well more like hell.

*currently *

"I love you " I said as I pulled out from (y/n) arm. " I love you more Felix " she said leaning on to my chest.  The two of us were cuddling on the sofa watching movie.

I then excused my self to go to the toilet.

*your pov *

Felix phone beeped so I  took his phone

And it was a message from oscar I read the message as it says

Oscar: Hey Felix I Just realised It's more thn 10 months you  being with (y/n) and  I Just  remembered the bet we made. Well I lost you won I will hand over the 1000dollars


*His pov*

When I came back I saw her crying. 

"Babe what's Wrong?" I asked touching her shoulder.

She slapped my hands of her and glared at me.

" what's Wrong?  Don't act like you don't know Felix!" She shouted

"What did I do?" I asked getting worried

"I was Just a bet to you Huh?" She asked as tears streamed down her face.

"Err What are you talking about " I replied as I try to get hold to her shoulders. But she moved away from me.

"Don't act like you don't know Felix. Stop lying! "She said

"Yes I went out with you as a bet. But " I was cut off by her "don't But! You are disgusting! " she shouted at me.

"Pls listen to me." I begged her as she was trying to leave the house After grabbing her purse.

"Listen What?  on How heartless you are?  Playing with a girls heart Just for 1000 dollar. How cheap can you be Felix? " she asked crying harder

"Please listen.  It was a bet I admit that. But Now I am in love with you pls trust me pls " I asked sobbing

"For the past few months you were lying straight to my face while I was truthful with you " she said looking at me which made me cry harder

"Please don't leave.  I really love you " I said walking closer to her But she turned away nearing the door.

She turned to me and said " I tot you were different felix,  and I love you too But I can't stay.  " she said

Walking out the door and closing it After her.

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