ROS #5:Cancer x Leo

Start from the beginning

He looked back again to see Leo running up to him. She jumped at him and they locked lips. Cancer was shocked. Leo pulled pack and had teary eyes,"You better come back soon!"

Cancer smirked,"Wait for me Leo, I promise I'll be back."

He then turned and left for his flight. Leo watched his retreating figure as Aries walked up behind her and squeezed her shoulder. "Come on Leo, let's go." Aries suggested.

Leo nodded, sniffling,"Yeah...let's go."

Aries pulled Leo into a hug as she weeped into Aries' shoulder. Aries stroked her hair,"He'll come back, he's worth the wait."

Leo mumbled,"I know."

8 months later...

Leo was dressed in her normal attire of a t shirt with denim jacket and jeans. She was about done with packing up her locker. As she closed the locker door, a boy walked up to her and leaned on the wall,"Hey Leo."

Leo smiled,"Hey Ryan! How are you?"

He put a hand through his hair and nervously asked,"Um...I was just wondering of you would go an a date with me. Maybe this Sunday?"

Leo sighed,"Sorry Ryan, I'm still waiting on someone. We made a promise. But you really sweet, you'll find someone too!"

Leo felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out. She pat Ryan's shoulder as she walked past him picking up the call. "Yes? Who might this be?"

"Wow, don't recognise your best friend's voice?"

"Oh Cancer! How have you been? I watched the set you did on Aresenio Hall. Nice! How's school?"

"I'm doing okay. Enough for the degree. Anyways I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'd be much happier if you were here. When are you coming back?"

"I wish I knew. Don't worry, a promise is a promise."

"I know, well I gotta go! Seeya!"


Leo hung up and held her phone to her chest, closing her eyes as she fantasied about what they could do when he got back.

18 months later...

Cancer was on stage and he took a slight pause to let the laughter die down before ending his show,"Thank you all, you've been a wonderful audience. Goodnight."

He put the mic back onto the stand as the crowd cheered. He took a bow and he walked off stage into the greenroom. He just finished a half an hour set.

He saw some of his friends chilling on the couch and he joined them. He grabbed a burger that the comedy club offered to comedians. He sat down and his friend asked,"So Cancer, you dating anyone?"

Cancer shrugged,"Kinda. Why'd you ask Jerry?"

Jerry said,"Well I see all this pretty girls all fawning over you and you barely bat an eye."

Cancer took a bite out his burger and responded,"Yeah, they only started fawninh over me after they saw me on Arsenio Hall. They're just tryna get clout." "Then who's the lucky lady?"

Cancer smiled as he stared of into blank space longingly,"She's my best friend, a beautiful, strong, outgoing, fun and caring person. Knows how to cheer me up, knows how to beat people up. She's almost too good for me. And I've had her wait for one and a half years so far."

Jerry was shocked,"What do you mean by wait?" "Remember when I said 'Kinda'?"

Jerry slapped Cancer on his back,"Dude, why don't you go see her!" "I can't...Between shows, filming and school. I barely have enough time to sleep. Hell, I haven't talked to any of my friends in a couple months."

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