Send off

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In the car:

Can is sitting in the front driving the car, Osman and Sanem are sitting at the backside.

Few minutes earlier:

Can pov: sanem is going to sit beside the driver seat.

Can: I will drive.

Osman: ok sanem come we will sit in the back.

Sanem : ok

Can while driving: Good, I became a driver.

Osman: what are you saying can?

Can: nothing. Nothing.

Osman: Hey can, we didn't spend much time together. I hope you come back soon.

Can: I..

Sanem(cuts him off): He won't be coming soon.

Osman: is it?

Can(with a playing smile resting on his lips):Hmm. I think we will meet soon.

Osman: sanem after dropping can, I want us to have a long drive. Is it okay with you?

Sanem: no, I'm not in a mood for a drive.

Osman: what about an ice cream in middle?

Sanem: hmm...

Osman: can, your departure is making my sanem so sad.

Can: actually..

Osman: but don't worry she will be back to normal. Afterall I came back.

Can: we reached the airport.

Osman: can and sanem go inside. I will park the car and will come.

At the entrance:

Can: sanem if you are not feeling well then don't go for a long drive.

Sanem: I'm not feeling well but didn't I come to send you off?


Sanem: take care. If possible, call me when you reach there.

Can: then what about next time?

Sanem: what?

Can: can't I call you every now and then?

Sanem IV: I will be happy even if you call me for every 5 minutes.

Sanem: will you call?

Can: obviously no.

Sanem(suddenly feeling the sadness spreading across her heart ):why?

Can: I will be busy for a week.

Sanem: then afterwards?

Can: I think there is no need to call then.

Sanem IV: what the hell does he mean?

Osman: hey, come let's go to the waiting area.

Sanem: no, I'm suddenly not feeling right. Let's go to home.

Saying that she hugs can.

Sanem IV: I don't care what our relationship is at this moment. I will miss you. I hope you can return into my life and the relationship we share may be more than whatever it is now. The sad part is that, I failed in love even before confessing.

Sanem: take care can. She said while patting his back.

Can: ok, you too take care while I'm not here.

Osman: ok bye can.

Can: bye.

Can IV: silly girl.

Back in the car:

Osman: ice cream??

Sanem: not really...

Osman: drama queen and no to ice cream...

Sanem: whom you are calling drama queen? I am princess.

Both stare at each other and burst out laughing.

Sanem IV: The best part is I'm still surrounded with the people I love and who loves me. It's okay it's just a first love. I can forget all these feelings after sometime.

Osman: It's okay time will give you all the answers.

Sanem: huh?

Osman: huh?

Sanem: nothing ,let's just go home. My head is saying it's lazy time right now.

Osman:haha whatever.

Next Day:

Sanem(who just woke up): ah new day...

Nihat(shouting):sanem come fast...osman is waiting for you.

Sanem: coming baba.

After some time:

Breakfast table:

Osman: sanem, come let's eat and go.

Sanem: no, I'm not in a mood to eat now.

Osman: why to care about the mood to fill your stomach. It's your responsibility to fill it, else it will be upset.

Sanem: (raising her eyebrows) the way thanks for your 'new type of lecture'.

Osman: yeah you are welcome.

With saying this a punch landed directly on his face by you know who.

Osman: arey don't smash my handsome face. I only have one.

Sanem : every human will have only one face..oh you finally realised that you are not human..

Both burst out laughing.

Mihriban :only can is missing from this madness.

Aysel: how is can?

Aziz: he reached and said that he is settling..

Sanem: let's go..I fulfilled my responsibility.

Osman: okay..

In the car:

Sanem: how are you are going to office after so many days.

Osman: huh?

Sanem: is your body full of sweat? is your heart beating fast?

Osman: that happens while confessing your love.

An awkward silence spread across them.

Osman: don't worry. Everything will be alright. He said while patting her head.

Sanem: you know? She asked in small voice.

Osman : I can understand you in and out.

Days are running's been two days since can left and sanem is not at all herself anymore. Osman is trying his best to cheer her up, but in vain.

On the other side, can is so busy to even think about anything but work.

Next Chapter Sneak Peak:

Sanem is sleeping peacefully, suddenly she heard can calling her she woke up immediately.

Can: Hi sanem.

Sanem: you here?

Can: did you think that I'll leave you and go.


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