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All gathered in the presentation hall and exchanged salutations.

Sanem: hello Mr.laten.(The nature camp's agency head)

Laten: hello sanem.

Sanem: if you are comfortable. I will start the presentation.

Laten: gladly.

Sanem: good morning ladies and gentlemen. To attract large number of participants to this camp, our agency planned to shoot three advertisements.

1. A group of Friends,

2. Couples ,

3. A lonely person. How they enjoy themselves and mingles with others is been particularly shown in this advertisements. And she continues speaking.

Can pov: I can't even listen what she is speaking. Not that I don't want to hear but I can't concentrate to anything except to drown in her facial expressions.

There is no more mischievous in her eyes. She is simply presenting the idea but with self confidence. She has that aura around her that states her presence. I came back from the imaginary world as I heard the applause.

Sanem: so our slogan is "IN THE ARMS OF NATURE" all clapped for the presentation.

Sanem: so this is all about our idea gentlemen.

Clients: we are impressed and we will say our final decision tomorrow.

Sanem: ok Mr.Laten , we are hoping for a good news.

Laten: ah sanem. You know the end result. Don't you?

Sanem: ok but I should wait to hear that formally.

They share a formal laugh. And laten along with his team leaves the agency.

Sanem, guliz and deren share a group hug.

Can: what do you mean by" you know the end result".

Sanem: ah,Mr.laten is so peculiar and he will only clap if he want to select this idea.un derstood?

Can: maybe.

Sanem: ok come. I will show you your cabin.

Sanem: can, if we get this project, you will in charge of the shooting.ok?

Can: ok. But who will come with me?

Sanem: guliz, deren and few people along with ceycey and models.

Can: then what about you?

Sanem: I will obviously come too.

Can: ok.

Sanem: this are our agency's past campaigns. Study them. Saying so she left the room.

Guliz: sanem. Come here.

Sanem: guliz what happened.

Guliz: sanem. What is he?

Sanem: what is that question guliz?

Guliz: sanem, mr.can became so popular and all girls are staring him.can't you see that?

Sanem: yes, he has that type of looks that attract others.

Guliz: so you are saying, you are being attracted to him.

Sanem: yes.

Guliz: I have to say this to deren. She will get mad by hearing you got attracted by someone. Sayig so she runs.

Sanem: guliz, guliz wait .don't do that.guliz. she runs and bumps into can.

Can: are you ok?

Sanem: yes,I'm okay can.i'm sorry.

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