will you be my date?

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sorry for the late update( sad emoticon ).lets quickly enter into the chapter.

Deren: sanem, gather everyone to the meeting hall.

Sanem: ok deren.

A few minutes later in the meeting hall:

Guliz: so guys, the nature campaign success meet is today and we were invited by them.

Deren: the main matter here is Mr.jethin is going to attend the party.

Ceycey: is it a crime for him to attend the party? Will he be a demon to attend the party? Can't he..

Sanem: ceycey ceycey, calm down first completely listen to what she is saying.

Guliz: ceycey, Mr.jethin is a furniture's company owner and he manufactured the new products starting from table's to cupboard's.

Can: what is his company's name?

Guliz: MIRROR.

Can: so, do we have a chance to sign the contract with that company.

Sanem: no, he never believed any other agencies. He have his own people who are experts in this advertisement field.

Can: maybe this time he can give us opportunity. What say?

Sanem: but, whatever the result is we should try to convince him.

Deren: ok lets wind up fast and start for the party.

Guliz: we can go and get ready for the party now. I'm off to home. Bye bye.

Deren: bye bye.

In the car:

Can: sanem, will you come to the party with me?

Sanem: or else what can. Did you think that I will take another car to there.

Can: uh.. not like that.

Sanem: are you asking me to be your date?

Can: is it too bad to be my date?

Sanem: i will say the experience at the end of the day.

Can: so is it a yes?

Sanem: hmm( she smiled cutely)

Can: are you blushing?

Sanem: this question keeps me in embarrassing position. Don't you know how to treat a girl?

Can: no, till date I never treated a girl like woman. But don't worry I will learn fast.

Sanem pov: huh... is he saying me that he is treating me like a woman. Is it like "BE MY WOMAN" which is used in most Korean dramas. That's why I should have not watched these many k dramas it increased my standards of my boyfriend.

Wait. What? Why did the boyfriend crossed my mind. Huh. I'm getting mad.

Can: sanem, we arrived.

Sanem: uh?when?

Can: when you are in deep thoughts.

Sanem: ok bye. She rushed inside.

Can: allah allah. This girl will get me mad one day. I just said that I treat her like a woman she is acting that then what will she do if I say that I love her. Uh it is exciting.

In sanem's room:

Sanem: what should I wear today? Today is my first date.

Inner voice(IV): wear that red one. Can will like you.

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