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Author: SURPRISE!!! Thank you each and every one who constantly supported me and my story. I have decided to update two chapters continously this here you go.....

Sanem suddenly heard 'are you looking for me' from the backside.

She turned to see can standing within five steps and this time she can see his face clearly...


Can: are you looking for me?

Sanem: you what are you doing here?

Can: what am I doing here? Where can I go living you here?

Sanem: you went to Italy didn't you?

Can: yes, but I came back..came back to you.

It's like a Déjà vu for sanem.

Sanem: let out a cold laugh: It's probably another dream..

Can: No seriously...did you thought I left you here?


Saying that can took sanem's hand and placed it on his chest.

Can: I didn't leave you not yesterday, today or tomorrow..I'll always be with you until the end.


Can: I didn't return back to Italy. I went there to settle everything and to return back you..

Flash back 1:

Osman called can:

Can: hello Osman..what's the matter?

Osman: why in the hell you came here in the first place?

Can: huh?

Osman: I don't know what happened between you and sanem but she is depressed after you left? What in the hell did you do to her? My sister is crying for you and you are enjoying there..aren't you?

Can: sister??wait why is sanem crying?

Osman: isn't it because of you? You didn't even called her.

Can: I really just want to come I'm busy

Osman: what you are coming back?

Can: yes, everyone except sanem knows that..

Osman: what ?

Can: yes..i'll probably return in one week..but I'll return tomorrow itself

Osman: why?

Can: didn't you say sanem was crying?

Osman: so what does it mean to you? Are you going to stay by her side forever?if you are returning back why in the hell didn't you say that to sanem? Are you mad?

Can: yes, I'll be there for her forever....I intended to say that to sanem, but she didn't hear that I thought to learn her feelings towards me by keeping it a secret..I'll come tomorrow, take care of sanem.

Osman: no need to say that.

Flash back-2

Sanem: when will you return to Italy can?
Can: are you so excited to send me sanem?
Sanem: I'm not planning to send you but you wanted to leave me ...and us.
Can: yes but...
Can IV: doesn't she know? 🤔

(FYI: In date continued chapter)

At that point of time can decided to stay and said the same to his parents and he thought they would have told sanem.

Flash back-3

sanem: you are my friend and of course I will feel sad to let you go.

aziz: but sanem his words were interrupted by can.

can: sanem come we are late to office.

(FYI: In welcome home/farewell chapter)

Then aziz wanted to say

Aziz: but sanem, he is not going forever..he will return in a week.

Sanem is thinking everything that happened in past few days while her hand is still on can's heart.

She can hear the rapid heartbeat.

Can: I love you sanem.

Can eyes teared as he said that, the same happened with sanem.

Sanem: so, you are saying everyone including Osman knows about your return?

Can: yes, but it doesn't matter right??

Sanem: get lost!!! Saying that she turned her head walking towards the exit

Can: sanem..sanem..

She went to the parking lot and got inside the car.

Can also got inside the car.

Sanem: go away, go get your car.

Can: I don't have my car..

Sanem: how did you came here then?

Can: I directly came from airport, by cab. So consider giving me a lift..please?

Sanem: I'm not going to home.

Can: you are lying..hmm what about I give you bribe ?

Sanem: what is it you will give me ?

Can suddenly caught sanem's cheek and kissed her cheek for a long time.

Sanem: you get out..get out now..

She pushed him outside and without any mercy drove the car.

Sanem IV: oh..he was left behind

Sanem: it's not like he doesn't have money or something...he can return home

Sanem IV: how come I didn't see are so cruel...

Sanem: how come I'm cruel..he left me knowingly..he is more cruel..

Sanem IV: by the way..he said that he loves you.

Sanem: hmm..

Sanem IV: why are you trying to hold back your's not like I don't know about your inner feelings .

Sanem let out a lovely smile..

Sanem: it's time to take revenge..

Sanem IV: how long are you going to hold in your love?

Sanem: about 2 days??

Sanem iv: face palm

Home Lawn:

Everyone are present there except can..he didn't return yet..

Sanem is pretending to check the phone while waiting for can..

Can who just came : hi everyone..

He received from hugs and greetings from all except sanem and Osman..

Aziz: didn't you said your work will take atleast a week? How come you are back in 3 days? And what took you so much time to reach home?

Can(he is deeply staring at sanem) I went to meet someone important, so I was late.

Sanem IV: see, he started flirting directly.

Sanem cheecks turned into red colour

Osman: what happened to your cheeks sanem?? Are you down with fever..he said with a lopsided smile...

Next chapter Sneak peek:

Can: sanem, please atleast talk to me.

Sanem: why should I talk to you? Because of you I didn't even eat my favorite chicken.

Can: how about I cook for you? Will you talk to me?

Sanem: it depends on the taste...

AUTHOR: Please comment your opinions...those comments matter to me a lot more than what you think..ThankYou  all once again..bye-bye..

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