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The next day I trotted down the school's steps with Bella, on our way to the truck. It'd been a long day and I knew this would be the day that Bella would confront Eddy, and was proven correct when Bella stops suddenly, making me look at her curiously before I follow her gaze to Edward. 

'Why is this so fucking funny?' Adrea laughed.

'Adrea, you're going to make me laugh, be quiet please'  I chuckled.

I bite my lip trying to contain the chuckle that threatened to break from my mouth as Bella looks at him with determination before she walked towards the Cullens.

"Here we fucking go," I muttered as I walked with her, stopping myself and watching as she briskly walked past Edward, watching his eyes go to her before she walks into the forest. 

The Cullens notice this, Rosalie and Alice's mate Tywin, subtly trying to stop Edward from following her. I sigh and shake my head as I walk, and stand next to Jasper. 

"Edward don't go," Rosalie pleads a bit, but Alice had already taken ahold of her arm. 

"He's already there," Alice said softly. 

"Did you know she was going to confront him about this?" Rosalie asked turning to me. I just put my hand on my hip as I stare at the forest where they'd walked into. 

"Of course I did. But Rosalie, did you really think this wouldn't come up? It was only a matter of time," I said with my hand on my hip as I turned to her with a chuckle. 

"What about you? Does she know about you yet?" she asked again. I sigh again as I shake my head. 

"That's more complicated. Bella and I have known each other our entire lives, I don't even know how to tell her," I said rubbing my face with my hands. 

'Much less if we can' Adrea added in.

"She's right. We knew this would happen, I mean they're mated for goodness sake," Alice spoke up. Rosalie huffed as she leaned into Emmett. I sigh, bringing my hand up to touch Rosalie's shoulder. 

"I don't particularly like this situation either, Bella's going to get hurt no matter what, it's just a matter of how," I said as I dropped my hand from her shoulder. 

"But no one can stand in between something like this. Not even Edward's creepy-ass," I said as I shook my head and rubbed my eyes irritated. Rosalie chuckled at my remark.

"He is creepy, did you know he was stalking her?" Rosalie said making me look at her with wide eyes. 

"Please tell me you're lying," I said as a sputter of laughs came from my mouth, followed by the laughs of Rose.

"How do you think he knew where she was when he saved her?" she said. We laughed again, this time Alice giggling along with us. 

"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship," Alice whispered as she smiled brightly at the two of us making Rose and I look at each other. I just smile as I cross my arms and cock my hip out. 

"I bet he watches her sleep," she said with a smug look on her face watching as we laugh again. 

"Oh I know he watches her sleep," I said laughing, the laughs of Rose and Alice following my own as we walk away, laughing as we walk together not even realizing we'd all left our chuckling mates behind. 


It'd been a few weeks since Bella's revelation and she had been tiptoeing around me to avoid spilling her new secret. I could understand that, for it wasn't her secret to tell, it was kind of funny, but I missed her still. Rose, Alice, and I had gotten closer in the process. I even sat at their table now as opposed to my usual table with Bells and her friends. 

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