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I walked through the halls of the school in a pair of leggings and the school hoodie going towards the cafeteria with a duffle bag on my shoulder as I huffed in satisfaction. I'd tried out for the track team today, and I'd just got out of practice. I thought that I'd have to join other teams to keep my joints from locking since I thought I'd have less time to run in my wolf form, but I found myself in the forest that seemed to cover every inch of this town, so trying out was mostly for precautions. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be on the team, so maybe it was just a waste of time. 

Plus, it wasn't hard to get out at night, and sometimes I'd even sleep outside and come back early the next morning. Charlie always went to sleep a little on the earlier side, and Bella liked her space so it was easier than I'd imagined. 

Soon I'd arrived, noticing eyes on me as soon as I walked in.

Yep, still the new kid. 

I turned to see Jasper there sitting at his table with his family. I wink at him, catching his small grin before I walk to sit next to Bella who sat with Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric. I couldn't even say hello to anyone before Eric began with his antics.

"La Push baby, you in?" he asked, a large smile on his face as he leaned on the palms of his hands to lean towards me. I quirked an eyebrow before I chuckled. 

"La Push?" I asked as he nodded his head. 

"La Push beach, down at the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in," he said as he raised his arms, gesturing to Mike.

"And I don't just surf the internet," Mike said with a wink, which kind of made me want to snap his or my own neck right there.

The Quileute rez?

'Maybe we should go?' Adrea suggested.

'Why the hell would we do that? They'll try to tear us to shreds if we go down there' I questioned.

'Emphasis on the try part Audre' Adrea reminded a small laugh in her words.

I smirk a bit to myself. 

'Plus, they'll never do anything with humans around, well as long as we don't make them too mad' Adrea said again.

I almost chuckled, before I looked up at a hopeful Eric with a shrug. 

"Sure, I love to surf," I said as I finally dropped my duffle bag on the ground with a thud, followed by me dropping my backpack before I snag the apple off of Bellas tray, biting into it. 

"Yes!" Eric said with a fist pump. I rolled my eyes a bit watching as Bella rolled her eyes, huffing at me. I chuckle, winking at her, seeing her smile a bit before she got up, walking over to the salad bar. 

I chuckle a bit, as I watched her walk away, taking another bite of the apple. The group talks, with me just barely paying attention before the talking ceased as footsteps neared me from behind. I breathed in deeply, before sighing with a smile on my face. I looked seeing the group of humans in front of me staring behind me with wide eyes. 

"Audre?" I hear his angelic voice speak. 

Feigning confusion for the sake of the people staring at me, I turned to look at him with a small smirk and a quirked eyebrow. 

"Yes?" I asked seeing the small smile come to his face. 

"May I speak with you?" he asked. I glanced over to Bella who was engaged in a conversation with Edward.

"Yeah, sure," I said. I grabbed the strap of my backpack, going to get my duffle bag, but he'd beaten me to it.

I scoffed at the smug look on his face but nodded at him as he led me out the cafeteria, and out into the hallway.

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