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I sat on Bella's bed absolutely fucking losing it at Uncle Charlie attempting to have a sex talk with her. My chest heaved even more as I heard her shout that she's a virgin. She walked in while I was laughing, blushing wildly because she knew I could hear them downstairs. 

"I want to talk," she said. 

"Okay give me a second," I said as I tried to stop my laughter. 

She rolled her eyes, chuckling herself, a blush still painted on her face as she sat next to me on her bed. Soon, I got myself together and joined her as we leaned on her headboard. Bella gripped my hand, making me look at her, my attention now spiking at her seriousness. 

"Edward wants to get married," she said. 

I stopped for a moment looking at her curiously before a small smile came to my face. 

"Do you want to get married?" I asked her. 

"I don't know... I- I just don't see it how he does," she said, sighing as she then laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'm guessing he wants to do this before you change?" I asked and she nodded. I sighed as I pat our clasped hands with my other. 

"I know you're afraid of getting older because soon you'll be 19, and his body is still 17," I started, my nose catching the scent of my family before I focused back on Bella. 

"But Bella, your youth isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I'm not trying to make it seem like I don't support you in your decision, because I do, but Bells... time is like the ocean. It keeps moving, and the things that inhabit it also keep moving. It can freeze in certain places, but everything around it will keep moving. Bella, I think he's scared, not just of you losing your soul, but of you losing the things around you that make you, you," I said honestly, my ears perking up to hear the knocking on the front door. 

She looked at me sadly, before she nodded. I shook my head at her saddened face as I ignored the commotion downstairs. 

"Time is beautiful, but scary Bells. Alice has seen it, one day you be a vampire, so don't worry too much about it. And if I have to keep the Volturi at bay, then I will," I told her seriously. Wasn't sure how I would, but that wasn't the point. 

"And this whole marriage situation, Bells, I know that marriage in this day is just a piece of paper, but think of it like this. You're telling the world, that, that is your person. If you want to get married, then you should be proud to be, you get to tell everyone Eddie is your person, and you're his person," I said with a smile. 

Edward had asked. Not Bella to marry him yet, but had asked me if he could marry her. I was surprised when he asked, but I can't say I didn't know this was coming. Not my permission, but the suddenness of his proposal. 

"Audre?" I heard Edward call. I turned my head from the deck of the backyard of the Cullen household. It'd been a day or two since the pack and the Cullen's understanding and since then I'd been training the pack a lot more now since school was no longer in session. Over these last couple of days, I'd included Seth in a lot of the training, but only as a precautionary measure. 

I was early meeting with Jasper, so instead of going up to his room as I usually did, I decided to just relax outside for a while.

Meeting Edward's eye I scoot my body over to the edge of the stairs and turned my body towards him. He sat, and rubbed his palms on his pants a little nervous. 

"Force of habit?" I asked at the rubbing because people typically only did that to dry the sweat from their hands. And well, Edward couldn't sweat so. 

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